P. 201


        seasoning initiates the polymer’s breakdown   American Oak (the strong Quercus alba)
        into simple sugars. As oak climbs through   - Structural differences in American oak’s he-
        300° F during toasting, more simple sugars  micellulose and lignin result in more intense
        form. Caramelized sugars and sweet-associa-  vanilla, wood sugars, and toastiness. Because
        ted aromas then develop.                 stave timber is purchased from private lan-
          Toasty characters develop as the oak  downers, log costs are lower. Its density, high
        passes 420° F. Using this research, contro-  tyloses, and straight grain means higher yields,
        lling temperatures allows definable, repea-  machine cutting, and lower cost barrels with
        table flavours.                          popular traits.
         Templářské sklepy (Templar Knights Cellars) , Čejkovice, Czech Republic

        THE STRUCTURE OF OAK AND                   Eastern European (Slovenian & Hungari-
        ITS CONTRIBUTION TO FLAVOUR              an) Oak (the slow growth Quercus petraea
          French Oak (the fragile sessile oak Quercus  Liebl.) - Under a microscope, this sessile oak
        petrae Liebl.) - When examining French oak,  is structurally similar to what is found in
        we find the highest tannin of the oak types.  France, yet it has slightly different qualities
        Wine has easy access to an array of compounds  including less tannin. These trees grow more
        in the more porous sessile oak, providing mul-  slowly and are smaller, creating fine grain
        tiple extractives. An example is the popular  and extremely subtle extraction. Research
        spice notes that stem from extractives such as  shows that its hemicellulose breaks down
        caryophyllene and copaene. Structurally, one  more easily, forming a different spectrum of
        finds less tyloses. Hand splitting following the  toasty aromas.
        grain is required. Logs sourced from the Office   Eastern European oak is purchased from
        National des Forêts make for more expensive  both government controlled forests and priva-
        timber. This results in a more expensive barrel  te land. Although the logs are less expensive,
        that is appreciated by winemakers for its fla-  lower yields produce barrels that are about
        vour characteristics rather than its price.  average in cost.ƅ
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