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like a cork. Cool packaging developed in Aus-
tralia that has largely remained there.
z amper evident
z Easy to open
z Claim their polyethylene formula does
not taint wine aromas
z Unique look promotes consumer curiosity
z Recyclable
z Wines develop more slowly due to little
oxygen transfer CONS -
z Wide array of sizes for different bottle z More expensive and more complicated
neck sizes for producers to use on a regular bottling line,
z Comes in different colours and frosted so harder for consumers to find!
versions z Petroleum-based
z Like screw caps, makes wines prone to re- IS THE BEST?
duction, which flattens aromatic intensity As is often both charmingly and irritatingly
z Heavier than other closure alternatives, the case in wine, the answer to which wine
adding to carbon emissions. bottle closure is best is, “It depends.” As such,
the Kendall-Jackson winemaking team of Ran-
Zork Wine Closure dy Ullom, Mark Theis and Fritz Meier frequent-
A unique, innovative and synthetic closure ly re-evaluate the types of wine bottle closures
that is goes by its brand name. The convenien- they use, based on wine style and wine con-
ce of screw cap with the pop of a cork! It has sumption tendencies.
foil welded between the cap and plunger to Today, the Vintner’s Reserve Chardonnay
ensure a long shelf life. Foil helps it to seal like and red wines are bottled with Amorim’s
a screw cap while the plunger makes a pop Neutrocork-Premium technical corks for their