P. 273


        cork is a sign of a quality wine.  83% of French  temperature variations).
        Wine consumers prefer natural cork stoppers.   Cork stoppers ensure a good conservation
                                                 of wine in a glass recipient over time and pro-
        CORK, IT´S MORE THAN                     motes a gradual and positive wine’s evolution
        A DETAIL TO WINE                         by means of numerous physical and chemical
          Cork and wine are two amazing gifts from  processes between the components of the
        nature that have been united for centuries.  wine inside the bottle. Until now, only the na-
        They‘ve grown together and given meaning  tural cork stopper has been able to provide
        to each other.  The natural cork stopper is a  this perfect balance, allowing for the correct
        natural choice and decisive factor for the suc-  evolution of the wine and the formation of
        cess of wine conservation. Several investiga-  the much appreciated “bouquet.” The bouquet
        tions prove that cork stoppers contribute in a  consists of a set of pleasant aromas, which de-
        unique way to the development of wine.  The  velop during the evolution period of bottled
        cork stopper’s innate qualities - light, compres-  wine. It is a valued element, which depends on
        sibility and elasticity, impermeable, resistant  the intrinsic quality of the wine and the condi-
        to moisture and rot, resilient - make it the only  tions in which it matures.
        sealing solution that truly respects the evolu-  Natural stoppers enable the excellent con-
        tion of wine, preventing it from deteriorating  servation of wines while preventing interfe-
        over time.                               rence in the harmony of their components,
          Wine conservation can be extended further  conferring a sign of quality to the wine.
        when high quality cork stoppers are used, if   Wine is not only technical, but it also has a his-
        bottling rules are complied with and kept in  tory and emotions associated with it. when we
        ideal storage conditions (adequate tempera-  open a bottle with a cork stopper, we create a
        ture, pressure and humidity and without great  consumer experience, we provide emotions. ƅ

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