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PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER security standards. Convinced that the most
Diam Bouchage guarantees the integrity of important way to better the global Carbone
each and every cork, rather than offering an footprint is to enlarge forest areas, Diam Bou-
average score for each batch. Stringent tes- chage is working with forest professionals to
ting at every stage of production is entailed to manage and maintain the regeneration of cork
ensure: oak forests. As an example, last November the
z No TCA (equal to or less than the meas- company has joined forces with the Sud Pro-
urable limit of 0.3 ng/l). vence Alpes Cote d’Azur Region and ASL Su-
z Preservation of aromas and freshness beraie Varoise to conduce the first large-scale
z Consistency between bottles plantation of cork oaks in Provence, planting
z Controlled permeability (oxygen transfer 3,252 saplings across six hectares of land. ƅ
rate) for different aging requirements
z Reducing the quantity of free SO2 to pro-
tect the wine
z No leakage or seeping for safe transport
Since 2011, Diam Bouchage has been a certi-
fied “Innovation Company” (Label BPI France).
It continues to invest heavily in research and
development and has filed over 20 patents
since 2007.
Diam Bouchage is also totally committed
to sustainable practices. The first bottle closu-
re company to work with ADEME (the French
Energy Performance Agency), Diam reduced
its carbon footprint by 12% from 2006 to 2008.
Of course, all Diam components meet all Eu-
ropean and American (FDA) quality and food Anaïs Le Chaffotec, JCMilhet, Philippe Laurent