P. 275

„                                                                CLOSURES

                         So much more than
                                                 AND NO LEAKS
                a simple stopper, the cork is    CONSISTENCY BOTTLE TO BOTTLE,
                                                   The only reason cork was used at the begin-
              the last oenological act of the    ning to close a bottle is because it is elastic,
            winegrower. It must enable the       and cork retains that elasticity for a long time.
          ZLQH WR IXOO\ GHYHORS LQ WKH ERɹOH     Cork consists of a woody part (lignin) and su-
          throughout the aging period and        berin, which provides elasticity. Eliminate the
                                                 lignin and you have a two-fer: more elasticity,
              PDLQWDLQ WKH DURPDWLF SURɮOH       i.e., a tighter seal, and a reduced risk of con-
                sought for a particular wine     tamination. Add a patented molding process
                                                 to manage mechanical performance and oxy-
                        Dominique Tourneix       gen behavior and you get a very consistent

                                                 CONTROLLED PERMEABILITY
                                                 OF OXYGEN FOR DIFFERENT AGING
                                                   The Diam cork is an active partner in the
                                                 evolution of a wine under its “care.”. By twea-
                                                 king the recipe, Diam can guarantee a cork
                                                 to last up to 30 years. The filler plugs the tiny
                                                 gaps to create a consistent structure. An “even”
                                                 structure means consistent aging. Not surpri-
                                                 singly, producers offering the most long-li-
                                                 ved, collectable wines are Diam fans and have
                                                 contributed significantly to the company’s
                                                   Depending on whether the wine is drunk
                                                 within 6 months or after 30 years, on whether
                                                 it is red, rosé or white, whether it is more or
                                                 less sensitive to oxidation, the winemaker can
                                                 select the corks according to different levels of
                                                 permeability and different lifespans.
                                                   The oxygen supplies during the first months
                                                 (OIR = Oxygen Initial Release) and over the time
                                                 (OTR = Oxygen Transfer Rate) are quantified for
                                                 each stopper recipe. For more information,
                                                 you can read our technical articles here:
                                                   The priority of our R&D department today
                                                 is to be able to extend the range of OIR / OTR
        avoids the use of a chemical such as peroxide,  available to our customers.  Tomorrow, each
        but is quite energy-efficient.           type of wine will have a cork with the confi-
          It took seven years of joint research with the  gured oxygen inlets; depending on the desi-
        CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission) to  red result, the winemaker can bottle the same
        develop the Diamant process, which debuted  wine on the same day, with different types of
        in 2003.                                 Diam corks.
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