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          But a strong culture of food safety involves  gov/smarterfoodsafety.
        more than this. It’s also about keeping those  Once you do that, click
        food workers safe and about educating con-  on the link for e-mail
        sumers, who are cooking more at home these  updates.   This will en-
        days, on safe food handling practices.   sure that you don’t miss
          We’re not just encouraging the food indust-  any developments as
        ry to make changes; we’re looking within our  we move forward.
        ranks to see how we can approach these issu-
        es differently to better support and advance
        each of these priority areas.
          When I asked Deputy Commissioner Yiannas
        early on in my tenure about how this blueprint
        first began to come together, I was impressed
        to learn that literally hundreds of people were
        directly involved in its creation.
          Not only did the FDA’s leadership work clo-
        sely on this; their staffs participated in a series
        of brainstorming sessions on how to make the
        New Era a reality.
          They also held a public meeting in which
        more than 1,500 stakeholders participated or
        submitted comments via the Federal Register.
          This broad input, representing the expertise
        of food safety experts, the food industry, tech   Even more important, I encourage you to
        companies, and public health officials from  go online and read the entire blueprint.  And
        all over the world, led to the development of  please read it with the understanding that it
        short- and long-term strategies that we will  is a work in progress that requires your input.
        continue to explore and seek to execute over   As I mentioned at the outset, we know from
        the next decade.                         our experience during the pandemic that the
          As I hope you can grasp, I am very excited  blueprint involves ideas whose time has come.
        about the New Era of Smarter Food Safety, the  Implementing them will strengthen our abili-
        potential it offers, and I look forward to hel-  ty to protect the food supply in good times
        ping advance it to the next stages.      and bad. And it will allow us to change as our
          I know that my colleagues at the FDA will be  world changes and the challenges and oppor-
        working as quickly and efficiently as possible,  tunities of food technology evolve.
        and I call on the food industry to do the same.   But with all this change, I want to assure you
        As this work goes forward, we want to hear  that there’s one thing that will remain consis-
        from you, to ensure that this process remains  tent and unchanged, and that’s our steadfast
        transparent and collaborative.           commitment to protect the American public.
          That is why we plan to keep you posted on   The new system should not be more compli-
        our plans and progress.  And, right now, I want  cated, but it should be much safer and more
        to give you two ways you can easily do this.  reliable.
          Please type in on your computer, phone,   We look forward to working with all of you
        or other device the following URL www.fda.  to achieve that important goal. ƅ
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