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                                                 food technology evolves, our oversight evol-
                                                 ves along with it, to help ensure food safety.
                                                    As we look at these business models of the
                                                 future, we will also be working to help mo-
                                                 dernize food safety at restaurants and other
                                                 retail food outlets, which are one of the more
                                                 frequently cited locations associated with out-
                                                 breaks of foodborne illness.
                                                   FDA research shows the importance of sup-
                                                 porting practices in retail establishments
                                                 known to reduce the risk of food contamina-
                                                 tion, such as proper handwashing and storing
                                                 foods at the right temperature.  We’re commi-
                                                 tted to exploring new approaches of food sa-
                                                 fety that go beyond traditional training and
        sing results from this pilot.              Many restaurants and other retail outlets
          Imagine having a tool that expedites the  have had to temporarily close or change the
        clearance of legitimate, compliant shipments  way they do business during the pandemic. As
        and improves by 300 percent our ability to  they start back up and get their bearings, we
        know which shipping container to examine  intend to engage with the retail food industry
        because that container is more likely to have  and our partners in state government to help
        violative products.  It would save an immense  change practices, including a greater focus on
        amount of time, and potentially lives.   how we motivate behavior changes by retail
        NEW BUSINESS MODELS AND RETAIL             We’ll also encourage and explore the use of
        MODERNIZATION                            new digital tools that will support food safety
          We’re also taking a look at new business mo-  practices.
        dels for the production and delivery of food.
          In recent years, groceries and meals have in-  A NEW CULTURE OF FOOD SAFETY
        creasingly been ordered online and delivered   Finally, the blueprint involves a focus on fos-
        directly to our homes. In the past few months,  tering the growth of and strengthening the
        however, as consumers have heeded stay-at-  food safety culture on farms and in food facili-
        -home recommendations and ordered their  ties all over the world.
        food online from restaurants and supermar-  The importance of having a safety culture is
        kets, this trend has skyrocketed.        something very familiar to me as the admini-
          We must help ensure that as these foods  strator of a medical center, as this is a central
        travel to our front doors, they continue to be  tenet in efforts to protect hospital patients.
        safe for consumers.  That concept is important   The pandemic has given us a new perspecti-
        an any time, but COVID-19 has accelerated the  ve on what we mean by food safety culture.
        need to establish best practices and an indust-  We still believe that to make dramatic reduc-
        ry standard of care in this area.        tions in foodborne disease we must do more
          New business models include novel ways of  to influence and change human behavior, as
        producing foods and ingredients, such as cell-  well as to address how employees think about
        -cultured food products, and we plan to take a  food safety, and how they demonstrate their
        close look at these.  We intend to ensure that as  commitment to this as part of their jobs.
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