P. 292
Christopher Columbus
Have you thought of trying to export your -percentage spirits and liquors. Licenses vary
wines to the United States or Canada? That accordingly.
a strong minority from your country lives the- You must register with the FDA (U.S. Food
re? Germans in Texas, Czechs in Chicago and and Drug Administration) as a non-US manu-
Toronto, Italians in Little Italy, Greeks in Flori- facturer. I have a lot of experience with this
da, French in Quebec and Jews everywhere? and this is my advice - ask your agent for help!
Unfortunately, the United States missed the First you have to register
boat and partially froze in times of prohibition. - similarly to a very curious
As you may have read, this affects both domes- e-shop - and then fill out
tic transport and foreign trade. Canada has a multi-page form. https://
its provincial monopolies, which are the only
ones allowed to sell alcohol in the network of createNewAccountflow.
their stores. And then direct producers directly htm?execution=e2s1.
in the wineries. Filling in the form for the first time is quite
However, you can still get there. difficult. And your agent has to confirm it for
Here‘s a quick guide on how to do it. you anyway.
To import wine into the United States, you You will then sign up for the counter-ter-
must first find an agent with a license to han- rorism act and receive your FDA registrati-
dle alcohol. America distinguishes wines and on by email almost immediately after your
other alcoholic beverages into categories agent confirms it to the FDA. The first step is
up to 14% vol., over 14% vol. and then high- behind you.