P. 293

„                  EXPORT & IMPORT

          Be careful where you fill in your applica-                %\ SUHYDLOLQJ RYHU
        tion! Just like in the case of the ESTA form,   DOO REVWDFOHV DQG GLVWUDFWLRQV
        there are „helpers“ whose pages are almost   RQH PD\ XQIDLOLQJO\ DUULYH DW KLV
        identical with those of the FDA and paid
        search engines even show them in the top        FKRVHQ JRDO RU GHVWLQDWLRQ
        positions of the search results. FDA regist-                 Christopher Columbus
        ration is free. The „helper“ will charge $500               / Cristophoro Colombo
        for it!
                                                 food safety, leveraging technology and other
                                                 tools to create a safer and more digital, tracea-
                                                 ble food system. Smarter food safety is about
                                                 more than just technology. It‘s also about sim-
                                                 pler, more effective, and modern approaches
                                                 and processes. It‘s about leadership, creativity,
                                                 and culture. The Commissioner of Food and
                                                 Drugs Dr. Stephen M. Hahn will introduce the
                                                 principles of the new system to you on the
                                                 next pages.
                                                   Your agent or importer is a person necessary
                                                 for dealing with customs authorities. Before you
          In the header of the webpage is written: „An   ship a  pallet or container, you must complete
        official website of the United States govern-   a PRIOR NOTICE on your FDA website, announ-
        ment“.  And watch out for one more               cing exactly what goods are traveling
        thing. You must periodically re-                     to the United States, in what ca-
        new this registration within the                     tegories and by what means of
        maximum period of two years                          transportation — you must enc-
        but recently the period has be-                      lose a Freight List and indicate the
        come even shorter. Otherwise,                       e
                                                            exact time it should land.
        your password will expire and  d                     Without this Prior Notice, cus-
        you will not be able to access  s                  to to
                                                           toms will not release the goods
                                                           to you. When goods arrive at the
        your site.  You can do  it yourself                to
        with a few clicks and within a mi-
        nute, the „helper“ charges $200.
          The world around us is changing
        rapidly;  many believe we will see
        more changes in the food system over the
        next 10 years than we have in decades. The
        challenges that have arisen during the CO-
        VID-19 pandemic have accelerated the need
        for actions called for in the blueprint, especi-
        ally in times of crisis.
          Foods are being reformulated; there are new
        foods, new production methods, and new de-
        livery methods; and the system is becoming
        increasingly digitized. To keep pace with this
        evolution, FDA is taking a new approach to
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