P. 291


                                                             Vinselekt Michlovský, Rakvice, CZ

        up websites for online ordering to many States  place right now are remnants of the post-pro-
        within the U.S.  These fulfillment companies  hibition era.  The 21st Amendment to the U.S.
        can handle the logistics of shipping wine for  Constitution passed by Congress in February
        monthly/quarterly wine club shipments along  1933, repealed Prohibition, which was esta-
        with all wine orders requiring shipping.    blished by the 18th Amendment.   The 21st
          Sounds like a great solution, right?  But one  Amendment also established the right for sta-
        State is looking to ban these types of companies  tes to create laws governing the sale, posse-
        from shipping direct to the consumer’s home  ssion, and delivery of alcohol.  During the wake
        within their borders.  Tennessee has a Bill go-  of Prohibition, not all states, or even counties
        ing through Legislature right now that would  within a  state, immediately allowed alcohol
        ban fulfillment houses from shipping to con-  consumption and sale.  This led to a very diver-
        sumers’ houses on-behalf of individual wi-  se terrain of laws that could change drastically
        neries. Why all the rules? Many of the laws in  just a mile away across the county line.
                                                   Shipping wine or any other alcohol from
                                                 a  winery to a  consumer within the U.S. is
                                                 a  complicated process with Federal and
                                                 State laws that vary drastically within the
                                                 50 states.  This is an area that is governed
                                                 by politics and tax collections.  And it is
                                                 an area that needs to be improved in the
                                                 coming years to make it easier for all bu-
                                                 sinesses to thrive in a  hopefully growing
                                                 wine industry. ƅ

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