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        experiences.  While nothing will replace the  the soul, personality and individuality... the
        personal and direct relationship and shared  poetry... out of the wine business.  The wine
        experience, it is clear that people have been,  business will always be about connecting, sha-
        and will continue, to form relationships and  ring and storytelling with families and friends.
        share experiences across the internet and   Wine and gastronomy will always go hand
        through social media channels.  Wine is sto-  in hand together.  The customer is becoming
        rytelling and stories are being told every day  more interested in authenticity, purety, and
        on the internet.  So, it is absolutely essential  honesty.  They are focused on wellbeing and
        that the wine industry find its place in the di-  health.  They want to know where their food
        gital world.  In addition to this, we are seeing  and wine come from, who produced it, and
        around the world consumers becoming open  why it is special.  They want to have an ex-

        to purchasing wine through digitial channels.  perience that has value and meaning.  And,
        The direct on-line channels afford convenien-  when they do  have that experience... they
        ce and customability – two key factors for con-  will remember it for a lifetime and come back
        sumers.  On-line business in the wine world  for more.  I  am less interested in packaging,
        has been relatively slow to develop because  myself.  But, there is no question that in this
        many wine consumers prefer to purchase on  time of change and  evolution packaging can
        the personal advice of a trusted retailer or fri-  evolve away from traditional bottles and pre-
        end.  But the flood gates are breaking, tech-  sentations to something that reflects more
        nology is surging, and the future will present  modern directions and styles.  Factory packed
        many on-line vehicles to purchase wine direct-  one or two portions... do not resonate with me
        ly and to have it delivered to your home.  All of  in providing authentic products to be shared.
        that said, the on-line business must not take  I think that’s why the alumumin single-serving
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