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        into account the value and nature of the go-                     Herwin
        ods, their characteristics and their sensitivity                 Wichers
        to transport.  The parcel must be packed in
        such a way as to provide natural protection for
        the goods carried during normal handling in
        the transport network. The parcel must with-                     Smurfit
        stand transfers, manual handling, transport                      Kappa
        on roller conveyors and both static and dyna-
        mic stress in the stack of parcels on the loa-
        ding area of vehicles. The shipment should be
        packed in a suitable shipping packaging and
        properly fixed.
          How do we know that the packaging is of
        sufficient quality? Oh what a horror! We take   Paperware
        the package and throw it from 80 cm on a so-
        lid floor - on the bottom, edges and corners.
        If both the packaging and contents pass this
        test, you have won! Did the bottle break? It was   How can the  „paperware“ make wines
        worth the feeling of security! And who says   more attractive?
        that there must be wine in it during the test…   „When shipping via the online channel, the
           The most modern trends in the field of wine   packaging can be a way to differentiate your-
        packaging are the use of adhesive and tear-off   self as a brand when your products arrive in
        tapes for boxes, which significantly speed up   the consumers home.
        the process of packaging (no adhesive tape is   Whether you wish to convey a sustainabili-
        needed) and unpacking at the customer‘s site.   ty messaging and perception by using brown
        Another trend is maximally ecological pac-  packaging or whether your brand is premium
        kaging, made especially from recycled paper   and needs excellent printing, the eBottle port-
        and cardboard with a significant reduction of   folio has it all.
        all plastic elements.                      Within the Smurfit Kappa eBottle portfolio
          If you understand all the usual risks the par-  all solutions are sustainable: paper is renewa-
        cel with wine must withstand and adapt the   ble, recyclable and biodegrable. This is true for
        quality of packaging, type of fixation and me-  all designs in the portfolio. And all solutions
        thod of packaging to transport conditions,   in the eBottle portfolio have been tested up to
        your reward will be satisfied customers, a mi-  the highest ISTA certification levels, ensuring
        nimum number of complaints and virtually no   a safe and undamaged arrival.”
        broken bottles of wine. ƅ
                                                   What are new ways offered for packaging
                                                 individual bottles and groups?
                                                   „As you can see with the eBottle portfolio,
                                                 all kinds of different scenarios have been de-
                                                 veloped to fulfill any customer, and consumer,
                                                 need including:
                                                   z Single bottle shipment
                                                   z Multi-bottle shipment
                                                   z Basic to premium
                                      ĂŐDzŶDzďŽdžĞƐ   z Bag-in-Box
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