P. 305


           Being a family winery owner, would you  wed anyway. But it is a fact that the industry
        try to conquer the Indian market?        survived in most States due to e-Commerce
          Sula Vineyards is the leading importer in In-  and online sales and home delivery, which is
        dia, followed by Grover Vineyards, a family wi-  still frowned upon.
        nery but used a lot of private equity funds. Fra-  The industry would love to move to virtual
        telli is primarily a family-owned winery with 3  e-shops, and one hopes after the pandemic, it
        families owning it. They are quite aggressive  would take a more pragmatic view and allow
        and hope to conquer the Indian market. But  such sales under the government rules. The
        the road is extremely tough.             wineries should be allowed direct selling to
                                                 their wine club members to help facilitate the
          Every 2nd bottle of whisky will be sold in   availability of wine, this is crucial to enable
        India this year. Can you compare this statis-  sales.
        tical fact with wine consumption?          Wine Clubs are not allowed to sell wine.
          Indians have been drinking alcohol for cen-  There is a faint possibility that they might be
        turies. In fact, we are known to have imbibed  allowed to sell, this will help them educate and
        wine (in some fermented juice form) for over  sell at the same time - for example, the Wine
        5000 years. It is virtually unknown that we  Society in UK is doing an excellent job. But this
        used to also make wine till the 1880’s when  is unthinkable in India.
        phylloxera hit and destroyed our vineyards   Supermarkets sell wines but not in all states.
        and the British rulers at that time did not en-  Delhi does not allow it.
        courage the replanting of the industry and it   Wine in Cans is the latest packaging con-
        practically died with resurgence starting in  cept started barely 2 years ago - 3 wineries are
        small numbers in the 1960’s with the produc-  already using it. A cascading effect will soon
        tion of wine as we know it broadly, starting in  start as the market picks up.
        the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.
          The first quantum jump was taken in 2001   India also produces and even exports its
        when the State of Maharashtra where table  wines!
        grapes have been grown and exported for    The majority of wine production, ho-
        decades- India is the 8th largest producer of  wever, is concentrated in two south Indian
        grapes in the world. Import of wines was freely  states, Maharashtra and Karnataka at 2500
        allowed in 2002, thus opening the channel for  hectares.
        foreign wines.                             Inspired by the increasing global interest in
          With current consumption of about 4.5 mil-  Indian wines, especially in UK, a new start-up
        lion cases, it is still insignificant though the  called  “Wines in India”  has been floated by
        growth has been around 15% every year. But  Chris Holland, Mayank Gupta and Nilesh
        it is still at less than 2% of the total liquor con-  Kamble with the stated objective of impor-
        sumption.                                ting wines exclusively from India. The initial
                                                 Indian wine portfolio focuses on six produ-
          Will the focus of the wine trade move to  cers from the Nashik region - Charosa, Fratelli,
        virtual e-shops? Will there be new types of  Vallonne, York, Reveilo, and Good Drop Wine
        businesses that will offer wine in different  Cellars. Mysteriously missing are two of the
        ways than in the past?                   top and the oldest producers Sula and Gro-
          Unfortunately, every State‘s government  ver - perhaps because they already have well-
        has been vehemently opposing online sales  -established exclusive distribution in the UK
        and even wine discounting in many States.  market and could not legally entertain a new
        Advertising of alcoholic products is not allo-  importer even if they wanted to. ƅ
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