P. 307


          South Korea and Taiwan, which have kept   Japan is by far the largest RTD market in Asia
        local infections low enough to avoid a major  Pacific and continues to grow strongly, even in
        shutdown have seen relatively little change,  2020 we are expecting full year growth versus
        whereas Japan saw a marked shift towards  2019 to be just under 7%. Most RTDs consu-
        more at-home drinking. Japan has experien-  med in Japan contain low amounts of sugar
        ced fairly severe declines in the on-trade and  or are sugar-free, similar to many hard seltzer
        already has a relatively strong at-home drin-  offerings, though they are not categorised as
        king culture. This shift has benefited categories  hard seltzers. Despite the low sugar content,
        that are more suited to at–home consumpti-  they can be relatively high in ABV.
        on. Categories that are more on-trade-focused   In Australia, the second largest RTD market
        such as Champagne, premium wine, and sake  in Asia-Pacific, hard seltzers are just arriving
        have been more negatively impacted.      and have the potential to succeed as they tap
          In China, the lockdown was extremely seve-  into current trends that resonate with consu-
        re, which caused a rise in at–home consumpti-  mers, such as health and wellness, concern for
        on, but it was short-lived, and life has largely  the environment and the trend for light and
        returned to normal as the on-trade has reope-  refreshing drinks. There has also been some
        ned fairly unscathed.                    movement with wine-coolers and spritzers in
                                                 Australia though they remain small.
          Are you seeing a swing towards „local“   China has huge potential for RTDs but po-
        beverage alcohol brands and products in  ses a quite different set of challenges, especi-
        Australia? If so, is this more pronounced in   ally from low-priced competition and copycat
        any particular category?                 brands. Strong branding and a USP that can’t
          Yes, there is an extraordinarily strong trend  be easily copied, such as use of an established
        towards local products that use local ingredi-  foreign spirit, would help. If they are to succe-
        ents where they can. This trend has been most  ed, taste and wellness cues are likely to be
        pronounced in beer, with the craft beer trend  the main drivers. Hard seltzers offer a light,
        and in some spirits categories, especially gin,  refreshing style that is likely to be popular
        where local craft producers have boomed in  with younger LPA people, especially women
        the last 10 years. In 2014 local gins held around  looking for an alternative to beer.  Younger
        8% of the gin market in Australia, growing to  LPA consumers are increasingly health-cons-
        around 15% in 2019 and we expect local gins  cious and concerned about alcohol and sugar
        to continue taking bigger share of the growing  intake. A low-alcohol, zero-sugar drink could
        gin market over the next five years.     play well in some quarters. There is also virtu-
          There is also an emerging local whisky seg-  ally no limit to the variety of flavours that can
        ment, based mainly in  Tasmania, where the  be offered, which will help maintain interest.
        climate is most suitable for wood aging. There     Japan is alluring because of its sheer size but
        we can also expect brandies and eau-de-vie  it is a hard market for foreign brands to pene-
        to grow in coming years. In the last year, the  trate. Local RTD styles are very distinct and
        trend for local products has spread to RTDs  unique to Japan and the local players are very
        with a proliferation of local, independent RTD  strong. New market entrants need to be tai-
        brands, including many hard seltzers and also  lored to the local market tastes and with pac-
        hard kombuchas and hard ginger.          kaging that resonates with consumers. Coca
                                                 Cola succeeded with Lemon-Do because they
            Are you seeing a surge in the RTD seg-  developed a very localised product and mar-
        ment (hard seltzers, low ABV meads, and  keting strategy that resonated with Japanese
        wine coolers) in Asia-Pacific?           consumers.  ƅ
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