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The genesis of the PFV came from a com- Marc Perrin, President of the PFV, com-
mon recognition amongst a few European mented:
wine families that the continuity of indepen- „We in the PFV believe that family compa-
dent wine companies was not easy and that in nies are the bedrock of regional and national
all of their regions there are plenty of exam- economies. The best family enterprises have
ples of family companies that have closed or a profound commitment to sustainable deve-
been sold to big corporations. The twelve PFV lopment and to the environment. Family com-
families place great value on continuity but to panies should personify the best values of social
achieve this there has to be a common reco- responsibility and the kinder human face of free
gnition. This may sound obvious, but we can enterprise at a time when globalisation and
assure you that it is a key motivator that unites a rather depressing uniformity have become in-
the twelve families. creasingly prevalent.
The PFV places a strong emphasis on uphol- By announcing this prize at a time of inter-
ding the values inherent to these businesses national crisis resulting from Covid-19, we em-
with respect to their support of charity, soci- phasise the long-term thinking of family com-
al responsibility and the environment. Every panies and our inherent optimism about the
year, the association awards an Annual Prize future providing we defend the right values.”
of €100,000 to an exemplary family business The twelve members of the PFV represent
in any area of activity that best demonstrates the distinctive voice and deep artisan roots of
family continuity, quality, heritage, values and family companies who are committed to the
sustainability. Alongside this, the PFV host absolute quality of their wines and all have
a series of gala dinners and benefit auctions a long history of dedication to their respective
around the world in order raise funds for lo- regions. The PFV aim to encourage other fami-
cal charities, present its members’ wines and ly companies to continue their independent
enable consumers to meet the producers face development and to prove that a family busi-
to face. ness can be a powerful tool to respond to the
social and environmental challenges of our
Funny moment captured by Mika Boudot time. ƅ