P. 346


                                                  Akitas find their Footing
                                                   The two dogs provided some of the most
                                                 heart-warming moments of the week.  Ba-
                                                 nner, our big-boy Akita, was like a professional
                                                 athlete, getting stronger every day.  He would
                                                 spend hours outside. He was content to lie on
                                                 the frozen concrete in 7-degree weather.  He
                                                 would wander all over the back yard marve-
                                                 ling at the new snow.  He ran across ice-strewn
                                                 fields.  And he absolutely pushed us to walk
                                                 him as far as we possibly could.  The cold air
                                                 must have filled his lungs with a life force that
                                                 reached way back into his ancestry, and I’m
                                                 not kidding about that!  And “little” Mieko, the
                                                 80 pound Akita, ever the huntress, pursued a
                                                 new quarry in the snow, chasing after pigeons.
                                                 She even slept on the couch next to us with
                                                 cats on our laps.  This is a thing unheard of for
                                                 our relentless hunter! And it’s amazing what
                                                 pets will do when they know everything is on
                                                 the line! Needless to say, their positive energy
                                                 kept us going, and we delighted in their em-
                                                 brace of the worst that winter could impose.

                                                   And on the Seventh Day, Mother Nature re-
                                                 lented.  As the temperatures climbed back to
                                                 a normal range, Texas began to thaw out, and
                                                 we could assess the damage done.  On a per-
                                                 sonal basis, we were able to thaw out the well
                                                 and restore functionality to the home.  Apart
                                                 from fallen limbs we safely came through the
                                                 6 days without power.  But there were many
        of  “Glamping with the Lecuonas” (glamour  homes in other parts of the Hill Country that
        camping for those who want to understand  were hit with more ice, snapping power lines
        English pimping of terms).  Turns out a great  and creating extended outages.
        many people were interested to know all about   The energy companies have brought in
        this furnace and how to use it during a 6-day  extra resources, and the restoration will take
        power outage!  With the grim weather and the  some weeks.  Texas is asking hard questions
        lack of any other diversions, we found an audi-  about the vulnerability of wind energy and
        ence among our fellow Texans and, together,  how best to harden the grid against winter
        we stayed in contact via cell phone networks  stress. The state is by far the biggest producer
        and recharged battery power.   We pulled  of wind energy in the USA, despite being a fo-
        bottles from the cellar, paired them up fearle-  ssil fuel source, it is also a wind energy leader...
        ssly with our culinary furnace, and refused to  and in normal conditions, wind provides up to
        give into bleak weather-imposed isolationism.  20% of power to the Texas electric grid.  Wind
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