P. 347
energy output dropped to zero during this Ice days for an accurate report to emerge. Regions
Storm, contributing to failures across the sys- to the south of the Hill Country, along the Te-
tem as other sources tried to make up for the xas Gulf Coast area, did experience bud break
gap in power production. This will take time prior to the ice storm’s arrival, and though the
to assess. weather was not as severe, the circumstances
Our winery construction was certainly dela- will probably prove to be decisive.
yed for a few weeks, so the site will dry out and There were many cancellations for Valentines
warm up a bit before committing the concrete Day weekend in the Hill Country. Weddings;
to the big pour. But if that is the only significant Wine Dinners; Club pick-up events. Bookings
impact then indeed we are very fortunate. As across the range of motels and B&B’s. Tours. I
for the vineyards in Texas, it’s too early to tell. had three projects cancelled due to the wea-
Certainly there will be damage done, probably ther impact. Since most of the businesses in
more in the Hill Country than the High Plains. the area were already Pandemic-Conditioned
The ice that formed on the vines was not par- to endure business interruptions, everyone se-
ticularly kind, as it accumulated from an ice emed to take it in. The positive to that is I am
storm, rather than a gentle enveloping mist. sure of fewer traffic-related injuries, fatalities
The vines did have some acclimation time, and and damage as a result of collaborative deci-
thankfully bud break had not occurred. That sions taken.
said, we must wait until the spirals and the lea- And now the sun has returned, the snow
ves emerge to really get an accurate sense of melted. But we will never forget the Ice Storm
damage, loss and varietal heartiness to extre- of 2021. It taught us not to wait for someone
mes such as this. We do think Tempranillo will else to restore your power.
sustain damage, but we just need another 30 Instead, Be The Power. ƅ