P. 351
ss. Thus the Berlin Wine Show was born, and it
continued to grow in the years to follow, first
with more than 5000 visitors in 1998, then
more than 15,000 in 2007, and more than
25,000 in 2017. Having received more than
30,000 visitors and 300 exhibitors in 2017, we
began collaborating with Messe Berlin and
switched to their exhibition halls. With such
a strong partner at our side, we received al-
most 40,000 visitors and 350 very satisfied
exhibitors in 2020, which made us the largest
end-consumer show in Germany and, with
Messe Berlin, won us a fantastic partner in the
organisation. Unfortunately, the 2021 show
was cancelled due to the situation with which
you‘ll be familiar; in 2022, however, the show and participation was free of charge. The ob-
will be something very special and we‘ll be jective was more public awareness and certi-
inviting all wine makers from wine-growing ficates for the participants, which would then
regions around the world. inspire visitors to taste products at the stands.
By chance, the Berliner Wine Trophy deve- Approximately 160 wines were submitted.
loped from the Berlin Wine Show. At the first But we encountered a problem shortly into
wine show, we organised a competition to- tasting: the judges weren‘t ready to spit the
gether with a well-known daily newspaper, wine out, rather they drank the wines enthusi-
called the Berlin Wine Award, for exclusively astically. After approximately 2 hours and 90
those exhibitors present at the wine show. samples, the tasters were quite beyond drunk,
Consumers were able to apply to be judges which resulted in a number of strange scenes