P. 349


        nes that were entered and didn’t advance so your   However, the competitions also have a num-
        risk is a low one, “ wrote Kimberly Charles.   ber of other functions that are not visible at
          „You’re serving consumers; in the sea of   first glance. The more wines that compete, the
        choices consumers have, a shelf talker or medal   more jurors are needed. Competitions thus
        stickers are often the only life-raft they have in   become like congresses or conferences, a me-
        an overwhelming situation, do them a favour!”  eting place for experts in the field and a place
          The USA and Canada are just getting used  for building as well as developing professional
        to the European custom of gluing little medals  contacts. And more and more often they di-
        obtained on to the bottles.              rectly connect with congresses.
          In European countries, self-adhesive bottle   Two of the most strongly represented
        medals are a popular marketing tool, although  groups of judges in juries are the winemakers
        even here the popularity varies from country  and technology experts themselves, as well as
        to country and from winery to winery. Winning  the professional journalists and wine critics.
        gold medals in influential wine competitions  The renowned journalists, and we know they
        can help boost sales and brand awareness for  get inundated with wines to sample and try,
        wineries of all sizes. With dozens of competi-  many of which never even get to be tasted as
        tions held around the country each year, wi-  it’s a full time job critiquing wine. Here, if your
        neries need to pick and choose the ones they  wine proceeds forward, you can certainly get
        decide to enter.                         their attention a different way.
          Participation in competitions is not free. To   In some places, such as the Vinalies Interna-
        give you an idea, the entry fee is 50 to 200  tionales in Paris, organized by the Union des
        dollars or euros per sample, plus you need to  Œnologues de France, the first group predo-
        add the cost of transport, customs duties and  minates. In other places, such as the Concours
        local taxes. These costs are really high, especi-  Mondial de Bruxelles, there are more journa-
        ally when the competition asks for 6 bottles of  lists. On top of that, this competition travels
        each sample.                             the world from place to place year after year.
          However, many wineries are aware that  For the country and region where it is held, it
        knowing the true quality of their wine and  is an amazing and unique opportunity to gain
        its evaluation by a group of international ex-  publicity! And it works perfectly - Slovakia has
        perts are priceless.  Wines are evaluated by  tried it and last year we in the Czech Republic
        juries composed of 4 to 7 judges.  The best  tried it too.
        competitions in the world strive for having   An indirect but not insignificant effect of
        equal representation of men and women,  the competitions is that they bring hundreds
        producers and other experts, domestic and  of people from all over the world to the wine
        foreign jurors, judges from both the northern  regions for a few days to fill the local hotels
        and southern hemisphere and from large and  and restaurants and because the competi-
        small wine-growing countries in the jury. Their  tions took place outside the tourist season,
        votes are averaged, extreme ratings are elimi-  it was a  welcome refreshment of the local
        nated. If someone awarded 100 points to their  economy. Competitions are currently held
        wine or conversely a minimum points to their  when they are allowed to take place and the
        neighbor‘s wine (and they would have to re-  number of judges is minimized. We hope that
        cognize them first!), this system would reliably  changes when we wake up from the current
        eliminate it. Some competitions also process  nightmare.
        the description of the evaluated wines. That is   Let‘s listen to the opinions of people from
        how, e.g. the annual guide „1000 Vins du Mon-  some of the largest and most prestigious com-
        de“ is created.                          petitions in the world. ƅ
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