P. 350


                                  Peter Antony
                                  Founder and manager of Berlin Wine Show (Berliner
                                  Wein Messe) and Berliner Wein Trophy and the subsidiary
                                  competitions in South Korea and Portugal. CEO of Deutsche
                                  Wein Marketing (German Wine Marketing). As a native
                                  „Moselaner“ from Schweich on the Mosel, he has bought in
                                  recent years the Hofgut Domain Avelsbach, winery based in
                                  a historic and cultural monument under protection of State
                                  Office for Excavation and Monument Protection.
        Peter Antony is a big man in the true sense of the word as well as in the figu-
        rative sense. He is an entrepreneur, businessman, hotelier, winemaker, lover
        of very fast cars, coffee and excellent wines. He is the managing director of
        Deutsche Wein Marketing, he created the consumers wine trade fair for Berlin
        (and the rest of Germany). But above all, the father, founder, sponsor, leader
        and director of the Berliner Wein Trophy and their siblings.

          We could sit opposite each other and drink  the time, we had just opened a large event ve-
        Latte and talk, but the time decides that it  nue in Berlin and wanted to make it known to
        was more like „calls across the ocean,“ as Jan  the public. I myself come from a small winery
        Werich used to say. Definitely a  long-distan-  in the Mosel wine region, and it was there that
        ce conversation between Hrusice village and  we, me and my business partner Lothar Urban,
        a nice winery somewhere on the Mosel 1000  came up with the idea of introducing a new
        kilometers to the West.                  type of wine show in Berlin. An end-consumer
          I was in doubt where to put this instructive  fair where everyone can buy, which did not
        interview - it could have been as good in the  exist at the time with this concept. Until then,
        marketing part as it was in the PR chapter. The-  wine makers had always rented a small room
        re is plenty of both in it! It is logical, after all,  somewhere and only invited their customers.
        that we eventually included him in the chapter  Most of the time you would stand in front of
        of competitions. He explains both PR and mar-  6 or 7 visitors and gain very little business,
        keting on the example of his wine competiti-  despite having spent a great deal of money on
        ons.                                     your event. The idea and the concept was to
                                                 gather these wine makers together, give them
          Please introduce DWM (Deutsche  Wein  free tickets for their customers, and issue even
        Marketing) and its activities and describe   more additional free tickets to a very special
        the true stories of Berlin, Asia and Portugal.  audience. In 1994, we had around 50 stands
          DWM Deutsche  Weinmarketing was foun-  with wine makers and merchants and antici-
        ded in 1993 to put on a wine show. The first  pated around 500 - 800 visitors. Almost 1000
        wine show in 1994 was a marketing event. At  visitors came, and the show was a great succe-
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