P. 402
well-preserved set of wine-growing buildings A true traveler´s journey
attracts from afar because of the saddle roofs is never complete.
of ground-floor pressing shops. Wherever you go, go with
The picturesque village of Tasovice is sur-
rounded not only by extensive vineyards all your heart. Drink heavily
but also by unique natural localities with the with locals whenever possible.
occurrence of protected species of plants and
animals. Also, it is possible here to exchange Anthony Bourdain
the Vinobus seat for a bicycle seat and ride
through a part of the local bikeway. another Vinobus again after three hours and
Wineries in the Znojmo region include not continued the planned route.
only historic cellars and pressing shops but Tourists can use the Vinobus from May to
also modern architecture. An example is the October but it is not idle in the off-season. It
Lahofer winery with its architecturally interes- can be rented and you can plan a trip along an
ting „concrete wave“, a building sunk into the individual route with family, friends or collea-
slope of the U Hájku vineyard, which is follo- gues, of course, with wine tasting in selected
wed by an outdoor amphitheater for cultural and agreed places.
events. From there it is not far to the VINO The Vinobus project contributes to the de-
HORT wine-tasting cellar in the village of Dob- velopment of wine tourism and increases the
šice. Here, it is appropriate to end the Vinobus tourist attractiveness of the region. Its occu-
ride with rosé wine because it is the technolo- pancy has been increasing year by year, whi-
gy of rosé wines in which the winery achieves le its popularity is evidenced by the fact that
its greatest success. more and more passengers are returning to
When Vinobus stops at the final station on repeat the Vinobus ride.
Znojmo‘s Masaryk Square, where its journey The price of an all-day ticket with the pos-
had begun, it has driven a path of forty-five sibility of transfers is 150 crowns per person,
kilometers. which probably won‘t tell you much. Interna-
Some passengers completed the entire rou- tionally understood information would be the
te with a guide and enjoyed the magic of short fact that the fare corresponds to the price of a
stops, others separated at some of the stops to bottle of quality wine. A 1/3 family discount is
pursue their own program and they boarded available to families. ƅ
Cheerful bus, 14 stops, 45 kilometer round trip, 20 wineries