P. 406
Enzo Giorgi
National Councilor of the specific wine competition Città
del Vino ( Deputy for Agriculture,
Tourism and Culture at the Municipality of Arcola / La Spezia.
Member of ONAV (Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori
Vino) since 2001 and AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier)
since 2002. International wine judge.
By my opinion, wine tourism should be do not compensate for the consumption of
among the first forms of tourism to restart by wine which is mainly concentrated around the
virtue of the possibility of being carried out in dinners of tourists and Italians who travel for
the open air, individual or in small groups. various reasons including work and leisure.
In the medium term Covid-19 will accent On the other hand, I hope that some of the
a change of habits and a consequent and pre- hitherto congested tourist areas will realize
cise attention to hygienic conditions and hos-
pitality guaranteeing the customer‘s safety.
Italy is suffering greatly from the pandemic
condition caused by the absence of foreigners
from intercontinental travel from USA, Cana-
da, Asian countries etc. This first and foremost
determined the current crisis of Italian tourism
and the consequent failure to sell wine in the
network of restaurants, which are still active
thanks to the substantial presence of tourists.
The daytime openings of restaurants, in fact,