P. 408


        imposed by the conformation of the territory.
          It is good to know, that the first traces of
        vine cultivation in Liguria date back to Roman
        times, while the roughness of the territory had
        prevented its development in previous times,
        during which there was a cultivation of the
        sylvestris vine according to the techniques of
        climbing the trees!

                                                 Farinata di ceci (focaccia made out of chickpea
                                                 flour) is a classic Ligurian specialty, to which in-
                                                 gredients such as rosemary, onions and olives
                                                 are added, and many others, creating numerous

                                                 La Spezia and Cinque Terre. Later the commer-
                                                 cial and maritime success of nearby Genova
                                                 has also given considerable impetus to viti-
                                                 culture and the production of wine. Rich con-
                                                 tacts with different people and cultures have
                                                 certainly contributed to enriching the region
                                                 from an ampelographic point of view.
                                                   Anyone who comes to Liguria humbly as
                                                 a real guest will always be welcome here. He
                                                 will enjoy great seafood, like Brodetto of rock
                                                 fish, whitebait stew, fish ravioli and marinara
                                                 mussel soup, the mackerel in pea sauce, the
                                                 whitebait omelette, or pasta with the pesto,
          The first terrestrial crops were the work of  based on fragrant Ligurian basil, famous all
        the Apuan Ligurians who learnt how to cul-  over the world, the walnut sauce, the touch
        tivate vines from Etruscans in the hills of the  of meat, mushrooms, and salsa verde. All this
        Ligurian Riviera di Levante, today‘s territory of  with excellent local wines of various styles, sea
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