P. 410

„        NEW NORMAL

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                           of understanding      WINE TOURISM
             a foreign country is to smell it.    IN ARGENTINA
                              Rudyard Kipling                by Cristina Pandolfi

        aromas, music and Ligurian hospitality. Not to
        forget the famous sweet Cinque Terre wines to
        accompany your desert, the rare Sciacchetrà
        passito produced from grapes left to dry in na-
        turally ventilated rooms.                  The wine tourism sector in Argentina was
          I expect the customer will be more and more   severely affected by the prolonged quaranti-
        interested in organic products of which certain   ne. They had to change the modalities used up
        traceability must be guaranteed. The actions   to that moment (especially offers of activities),
        carried out on a local basis in favour of the   and generate new protocols for the hospitality
        short supply chain, the accessibility of quality   sector in the wineries.
        products at the right price and everything that   The province of Mendoza was the first in the
        can guarantee the health of the consumer will   country to once again allow wine tourism, inc-
        be increasingly interesting. Attention to the   reasing the prevention protocols for COVID-19,
        safety and hygiene of food, accommodation   initially at the local level, then at the provincial
        and travel will remain a legacy of the current   level, and currently opening to tourists from
        pandemic.                                other provinces. Still awaiting authorization
          I was talking about my beloved Liguria, whe-  is tourism from abroad, which will provide for
        re I know it best. But this is true of many his-  the full recovery to the flourishing activity that
        toric cities, at least around the Mediterranean   the industry had developed pre-pandemic.
        Sea.                                       At the moment it is summer, in an epide-
                                                 miological pause, and planning to vaccinate
                                                 the population. There remains the uncertain-
                                                 ty of what will happen with the arrival of cold
                                                 weather and with it, the possibility of a second
                                                 wave of infections. In any case, the sector and
                                                 the population are better trained and prepa-
                                                 red to face the situation if this occurs.
                                                   Officials in Argentina have extended the on-
                                                 going closure of the nation‘s borders, as well
                                                 as the existing social, preventive, and compul-
                                                 sory distancing (DISPO) phase of reopening.
                                                 The measures are part of the nation‘s continu-
                                                 ed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response.
                                                   Additional measures are being enforced
                                                 in the city of Buenos Aires. Commercial esta-
                                                 blishments may operate at 50% capacity,
                                                 while restaurants and other food-serving esta-
                                                 blishments may operate at 30% capacity. Pu-
                                                 blic transport is reserved for essential workers
                                                 and people attending medical treatment. ƅ

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