P. 415
This will help with contact tracing should New hotels
anyone of your staff or guests get infected.
Only allow for staff members to serve at the
table. Do not allow guests to pick up orders standards
at the bar and avoid walking dinner or buffet
concepts at any cost. If possible, let staff mem- The hotel industry has a longstanding com-
bers serve dishes under a cloche. mitment to cleanliness and safety for the em-
Have a staff member show guests to their ployees and guests. It is necessary to continue
seat to avoid unnecessary running around by this commitment during the public health cri-
guests. Signal this with a sign at the entrance sis. The following health and safety guidelines
saying „wait to be seated.“ represent best practices for the hotel industry,
Seats and tables should be disinfected after during the re-opening phase of the economy.
every service. Preferably, this should be done It is anticipated that these guidelines and pro-
by one and the same staff member. tocols will evolve based on the recommenda-
tions of public health authorities and must be
CREATING A SAFE done in compliance with any federal, state and
Ensuring your guests have a pleasant dining Cleaning and disinfecting shall be frequent
experience will become more challenging. (multiple times per day) with an emphasis on
Think of the entire experience of your guests frequent contact with hard non-porous sur-
and how you could make this as comfortable faces including, but not limited to, front desk
as possible. Beginning from the moment gu- check-in counters, bell desks, elevators and
ests make the decision to dine out and walk elevator buttons, door handles, public bath-
up to your doorstep until the moment they rooms, vending machines, ice machines, room
pay their checks and leave, to hopefully return keys and locks, ATMs, escalator and stair hand-
very soon. rails, gym equipment, pool seating and sur-
Begin with reservations only. Communicate rounding areas, dining surfaces and all seating
this with customers on your social media and areas.
website, or even by hanging up a poster at Cleaning and disinfecting protocols will re-
your entrance or outside of your restaurant. quire that particular attention is paid to high-
Communicate all the measures your restau- -touch, hard nonporous items including televi-
rant will be taking in as many ways as possi- sion remote controls, toilet seats and handles,
ble: on social media, your website, send out door and furniture handles, water faucet han-
an email to guests after reservation, let a staff dles, nightstands, telephones, in-room control
member give all the necessary information panels, light switches, temperature control
when welcoming guests at the entrance, etc. panels, alarm clocks, luggage racks and floo-
These are only some guidelines and sugges- ring. The frequency of room cleaning during
tions to take into consideration when reope- a guest’s stay may be altered based on guest
ning your restaurant or dining area. One thing requirements.
is certain: these changes will require a new In the event of a presumptive case of CO-
mindset from your entire team and will bring VID-19 the affected guest room shall be remo-
changes to the way your team is organized. ved from service and quarantined. The guest
However, your guests will definitely thank you room shall not be returned to service until
for your commitment and for making them undergoing an enhanced cleaning and disin-
feel welcome and safe. fecting utilizing EPA approved products within
Our thanks belong to Debic team! ƅ these guidelines. Thanks CDC team! ƅ