P. 420


        bigger than it really is. And the big ones, whe-  One of the most famous wine buildings is Frank Ge-
        re wine lovers are still a little reserved, can be-  hry‘s Marques de Riscal, Bodega Elciego, Rioja Alta,
        come a little „smaller“ in the visitor center.  Spain. However, it is actually neither a winery nor
          However, the biggest benefit is that the   visitors center, but a hotel for visitors of the winery.
        main purpose of the store is sales. Say it
        again to yourself. This is not a tautology!
          The customer who enters it will be wel-
        comed by a pleasant person who is there to
        sell the customer whatever he or she wants,
        and if possible much more.
          The customer won‘t find themselves face
        to face with a winemaker in boots who is just
        pulling some heavy hoses and thinks of every-
        thing else, but not the sale of a case of wine.
          If you are planning, designing or already
        building a new tasting room, it is ideal to plan
        a tasting island in the middle, which is accessi-  A properly designed    tasting  room.  40-50
        ble from all sides and which will serve the ma-  people can comfortably       fit around the counter,
        ximum number of visitors - and everyone can   which can also be easily extended by pulling additi-
        see and hear well. If by chance more people   onal table boards from under the counters if more vi-
        than can reasonably fit to the tasting counter   sitors arrive. Fulkerson Winery, Finger Lakes, NY, USA.
        come there, set the tables around the room
        and call on colleagues to offer samples of what  that each guest is in the first one. If the cus-
        you will be talking about. It is not ideal, but the  tomer is in the second row, it is as if he or she
        waiting time will be shortened and everyone,  was somewhere in the Böhmerwald foothills
        even those who are not in the first row, will be  and being in the third row is almost similar to
        face to face with the representatives of the wi-  being in Siberia or Alaska.
        nery. Try to do everything possible to prevent   So we have our scene ready: a tidy parking
        forming two or even three rows, making sure  lot, decorated shop, and the staff in a  good
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