P. 422
A sommelier should not only be an informative
and capable salesman but he or she also needs
to be funny and kind. Waiting for John Howard,
owner of Megalomaniac Winery in Vineland,
Canada, Lincoln, ON, was extremely enjoyable
thanks to the female sommelier!
The funnier and more tasteful your t-shirt,
baseball bat or hoodie, the more you sell (that to be able to explain everything adequately
alone is good news), and the more people will and provide visitors with an understandable
wear them and spread your name! It pays to education. Everything new that is happening
connect with a designer who has good ideas! in the company should also be known to the
Keep calm, drink wine, or Wine o´clock is no staff in the visitors‘ center. And they should
longer enough today. Something more origi- also know the things they should not know -
nal and well-crafted is needed.. things which should not be presented, things
they should not talk about and when to divert
THE SOMMELIER MUST BE the attention to something else.
INFORMATIVE Being informative is a necessary condition
Some will be surprised that the wine is made of marketing and public relations. The right
from grapes, while someone else will be inte- answers inspire guests to buy more and also to
rested in the details of the technology. The pre- start appreciating the company and its people.
senter must respond appropriately to both. So However, at the same time, the staff must not
he or she needs to know it (and management be haughty and snobbish. It‘s great to know
should pay attention to his training) in order a lot, preferably much more than the guests,