P. 425
Do you have a large flat screen on the wall, Be interactive! Organize a photo contest
playing a loop showing vineyards and grape about your winery, promise nice prizes and
harvest on the wall? Almost everyone has it! alternate their commented photos in a loop
Try to alternate this short film with current on the screen on the wall, on Pinterest, and
events on Facebook! The commotion which upload its edited version to YouTube. Not only
will be caused among your young guests by will you get an attractive collection of photos
your own photo taken by your mobile phone (don‘t forget to address copyrights in the com-
and displayed on your LED screen will be great petition) and attract the attention of amateur
... and you will also have not only their „likes“, photographers (especially if you inform about
but also their address for further contact. the competition on several photo blogs and of
course on your website), but you will also get
attractive live decoration for your shop! And
Craig Roots, an expert who teaches this issue at
Davis University, considered this work at Hess
Collection, Redwood, Napa, CA to be the most
beautiful tasting room. I wanted to see it for years.
When I finally got there, it was gone. A devastating
earthquake destroyed it and a new counter stood
in its place. Well, not all changes are for the better.