P. 424
“Do you like this Sylvaner? It‘s the trout season,
which is great. This week we have it on sale with
a 20% discount!“
Offer benefits that you are entitled to of-
fer which the customer may not be aware of.
„I see you have five bottles. If you take the sixth,
I can give it to you for half the price.“
Your staff must be trained to focus on three
basic points:
- want to sell at least some wine
- gain the customer‘s favour
- and get the customer‘s address where you
can send your offers in the future.
Paper carrying cases clearly say: Buy six bottles!
WINE CLUB They sell for $ 1.99, but when you make a purchase
In many countries, especially in the USA or over $ 60, you get it for free, like in Glenora, Finger
South Africa, wine clubs are the backbone Lakes, NY. As Horst Fuchs said - and it pays off! On
of any tasting room and direct wine trade! In the one hand, the customer has something to car-
Austria, it is common to go shopping to the ry the bottles in but mainly they will also fill all the
winemaker even without a club. But there are compartments. Gentle psychological influence.
countries that have not yet discovered this
amazing tool. and often your own archives, where you can
Sales from the winery generate the highest archive your purchased wines in good clima-
rate of profit, because you make them directly tic conditions and let them mature there until
for all stages of distribution and sales, which they reach the optimal maturity.
would otherwise have to create the profit for
themselves. Published prices should be the FULL SERVICE
same as in retail, in order to respect traders‘ A common question you can encounter
prices, but club members should benefit from at the tasting event is: „Where is a good place
significant discounts, loyalty and volume bo- to eat around here?“ If you don‘t have a good
nuses, etc. restaurant yourself, recommend a restaurant
Satisfied members of your club become vo- where they have your wine - and do even
luntary ambassadors of the brand, as they re- more! Offer the guests to make a reservation
commending it to others. Realize the unique- for them! This gesture will please the customer
ness of this position! Elsewhere, companies and you will identify yourself in the restaurant
pay a lot of money to show their samples to by sending them guests, thus confirming that
potential customers - and here the customers it is right for them to have you on the wine list.
pay you! Thank them for that. The world has changed and you (and your
When people come home after a hard day tasting room, shop or visitor center) have to
and find two bottles from a popular wine- keep up with the trend of the time. Install wifi
ry there, it will surely make them happy. It is and let it be known in a noticeable way! Many
clearly a win-win position. of those who come to taste your wine will
A well-run wine club offers events, mee- share their experiences with others as soon as
tings with the winemaker, various discounts they see that they can connect for free. Open
and benefits, tastings of new wines, but abo- yourself to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and
ve all, permanent and periodic wine deliveries Whatsapp…!