P. 426
if you connect with a photography portal (for 7KH FXVWRPHUǗV KXQJHU
example, by sponsoring its competition with IRU DXWKHQWLFLW\ RULJLQDOLW\
your wines for the promotion of your photo
competition), the winners may have a chance FUHDWLYLW\ VLQFHULW\ DQG JRRG
for their five minutes of fame, even among the LQWHQWLRQV OHDGV FRPSDQLHV DQG
professional public. EUDQGV WR KXPEO\ UHWXUQ WR WKH
If the competition lasts and is periodically OHYHO RI EHKDYLRU DQG UHODWLRQVKLSV
repeated for years, you will get a really large
collection of photos - and a large group of WKDW KDYH UDUHO\ EHHQ VHHQ VLQFH
photographers in whose memory your winery WKH GD\V RI RXU JUDQGSDUHQWVǗ
Organize a simple winning competition
using QR codes on Facebook, Twitter, Skype NQHZ KLV FXVWRPHUV SHUVRQDOO\
and even ICQ! Let them vote for the wine or DQG JDYH WKHP KLV SHUVRQDO
photo they liked the most! Visitors will have LQGLYLGXDO DɹHQWLRQ
fun, but because they have to register to win
- your mailing list will be nicely filled with peo- Gary Vaynerchuk
ple who have visited you, had fun and will not
consider your occasional e-mail as an unsolici- this: you are in the toilet, thoughtlessly lo-
ted business offer. oking around, and a frame on the wall in front
Let yourself be registered as a tourist attrac- of you with a familiar logo invites you to give
tion, for example, on TripAdvisor. Or consider your tasting experience five stars on the Trip-
Luxury Mrva & Stanko winery, Trnava, Slovakia.
Worthy to visit and taste.