P. 428
Whole families often come to the winery, you and will be happy to take their time - and
and not everyone comes for wine. Be attentive make a purchase.
to seniors and children! When the godfather Non-alcoholic alternatives should thus be-
or their little kid is tired, they bother others, come an integral part of the offer, because it is
they get bored and the whole group leaves a product you will sell to a different customer
earlier. Take care of them, give them a chair than wine, showing that you care about them
and serve them some water or grape juice and that you value them.
and lend them a magazine (preferably one It is precisely such customers, who will be
that talks about you). Lend the children some happy to share their experience of your hospi-
toys toy or give them a colouring book and tality on their own, thus attracting more custo-
they will not disturb. Others will be grateful to mers to the winemaker. ƅ
Tomáš Šula & Jan Čada
PhDr. Tomáš Šula, Ph.D., and Mgr. Jan Čada are advertising
engineers and Advertising Engineers s.r.o. is their advertising
agency. They are not from Prague but from „Baťa City“ Zlín; they
prefer beautiful Czech brands; they work for Vincentka Mineral
Water, which they also like to drink with wine and during lectu-
res at Tomas Bata University. They drive ETA vacuum cleaners
the ame way as they rode it as children during the totality era.
CUSTOMERS ON WHEELS the caravan owners? So far, there has not been
Every business person knows their custo- much done and this area of interest has great
mer, but what if new potential customers grow potential, not only because of this. Caravans
up or an existing one changes their behavior? and trailers are an interesting alternative for
Adaptation should be continuous and cont- traveling and spending holidays. They better
rolled. Even if there was no pandemic, people accentuate the needs of the traveler, and free-
will age and new generations come with new dom of movement gives people opportunities
needs and desires. that static accommodation capacities cannot
However, it came. provide.
A good example is a noticeable change in The long-perceived concept of a caravan
the way how people were spending their le- owner with a German license plate and the
isure time last year. The year 2019 was alrea- smile of Horst Fuchs is long gone (although this
dy a record year in terms of caravan sales and way of spending a holiday is more widespread
2020, although affected by the pandemic, was in the West, where it has a long tradition and
not much different. Campers and caravans are can rely on better infrastructure). We are not
now sold out until the next year! The number even talking about vehicles worth several mil-
of caravans is growing and will most likely lion CZK, with the best equipment imagina-
continue to grow. This means an opportuni- ble, but about ordinary cars and vans, which
ty not only for winemakers to win this target are commonly used as family or work cars,
group over. and which serve as homes on wheels“ on wee-
How can a winemaker be forthcoming to kends and holidays, thanks to their built-ins.