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but it‘s bad to let them know it too much. They and therefore the staff should be trained on
should leave knowing that you were talking how to handle more or less drunk people, as
with them and not to them. well as what health complications alcohol can
Everyone in the group is never on the same cause (in case of diabetes, epilepsy, allergic re-
level. However, it is still possible to entertain actions, etc.) and what to in such cases. And
everyone equally! Keep this in mind when pre- when someone comes to you by car, don‘t pre-
paring yourself. If you use comparison, everyo- tend you can‘t see it! Have a number for „Fast
ne will have fun. See how different it is to say: Turtles“ on hand (a service similar to a taxi
„wine in a barrel undergoes micro-oxidation and service, where a taxi with two drivers arrives
aromatic substances and tannins are extracted and the second driver takes you and your car
from wood into it,“ compared to saying: „Ma- safely home). And arrange a discount for the
turing in a barrel is similar to inserting a piece guest using e.g., a club card!
of cinnamon bark into mulled wine. It is also
wood, but it will give your wine a beautiful aro- DON‘T BE AFRAID TO SELL!
ma. And it is similar with the barrique barrel...“ Don‘t be afraid to offer wine for sale during
Involve stories and prepared proven jokes. the presentation, but don‘t be too aggres-
Don‘t feel ashamed to invite professional enter- sive - help the customer with the selection,
tainers and have them write a script for you to but don‘t force them to make a purchase. In-
follow when guiding your guests in the future. form about the price and about items on sale.
Make sure to avoid using gender and sexist
double entendre! What worked 20 years Ram‘s Gate Winery, Sonoma, CA, is betting on a
ago is becoming a nuisance today, if it is not successful retro wave - the barn shape, traditional
even taboo as in the USA. materials inside and an airy space. You feel so very
You serve and offer alcoholic beverages comfortable here, you don‘t even want to leave.