P. 418



                    IN THE FUTURE?

        It is very likely that rather sooner than later the time will come when  the wine
        production will be subject to the same rules like any other food! It is possible
        that it won‘t apply to small wineries and traditional Moravian, Greek, Monte-
        negro wine cellars, but I would not rely on it much. During an excursion to the
        dairy, cheese factory, or bakery, you will automatically receive shoe covers,
        a disposable coat and a headwear… and I probably don‘t have to say more.

          Coronavirus has accelerated another aspect   We have mentioned several times that wine
        that winemakers cannot close their eyes to -  is considered a food in the EU, and only be-
        safety, health and hygiene. Developed Asian  cause of this could the wine shops remain
        countries offer drink cans of 1.5 dcl, 2.5 dcl  open except for direct consumption. However,
        and 3.3 dcl for different thirsty people, each  every coin has two sides.
        of them being also in a shrink wrap to prevent   The facilities of new wineries in Europe and
        contamination and to allow safe drinking di-  the USA are already ready for such a situation.
        rectly from it. In France, I  have already seen  They consistently separate the production are-
        a bottle neck with a crown cap covered with  as and areas where the public is allowed. See-
        a simple hygienic shrink wrap.           ing the production is made possible through
                                                 glass windows, a path leading around the buil-
                                                 ding with views of the inside. Visitor centers
                                                 are being set up, where the immediate experi-
                                                 ence is replaced by a view through a glass wall
                                                 into the barrique cellar on the left and stainless
                                                 steel tanks lined up like soldiers on the right.
                                                   Large and wealthy companies even choose
                                                 the option to turn the original winery into an
                                                 open-air museum, a  museum that provides
                                                 the perfect illusion that you are really in the
                                                 winery, but the actual production processes
                                                 take place in a new industrial hall, often loca-
                                                 ted several kilometers away.

                                                 HAVING A VISITORS CENTER HAS
                                                 A NUMBER OF BENEFITS
                                                   There is a  fixed opening time, which eve-
                                                 ryone accepts for the „store“ out of habit and
                                                 stereotype without any problems, but at the
                                                 cellar they expect open arms almost non-stop.
                                                   Visitors center is often associated with a re-
                                                 ception or office; the sale of wines to visitors
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