P. 421
A purposeful economic option in Heron Hill. The
bar table can accommodate 25-30 people, which
may still be enough for a small winery.
Curtains over the shelves cover the wines, used
glasses and everything else - both needed and no
longer needed - from the eyes of guests. In addition,
cloth with lace or embroidery creates an ancient and
homely look, as in Wagner Winery and Craft Brewery.
mood. Its first and most important task will
be to welcome every newcomer within 15
seconds, even if they are in a group. Those 15 The funnier (Clean, Cook, Have wine) and nicer the
seconds is the maximum time until someone t-shirt design, the bigger the sales. Those people will
has to pay attention to the visitor - it is enou- advertise for you and while paying for it at the same
gh to at least greet them, saying „How are you, time! It pays off to connect with a talented designer!
I‘ll be right with you ...“ together with eye con-
tact, showing that you care about them and and trade. Offer interesting goods from your
building a hospitable atmosphere. How many neighbours as well! Offer honey, fruit, cheese,
people had already entered the inhospitable or smoked meats from the farm, famous past-
room were not even properly greeted, so they ry from the bakery or handmade products.
walked away! Their neighbour will really en- And, of course, souvenirs! And make an agre-
joy listening to the stories of how poorly they ement with them that in return, they will offer
were received by you! your wines among their nuts or embroidered
The visitor center is a place of information blankets. ƅ