P. 414
high temperature after every use. This inclu- your service. Remember that service is central
des beer glasses. to create a safe flow from kitchen to table.
Set up a little stand at your entrance with Staff members serving at the table should
some alcohol-based handgel and comple- wear a face mask and always disinfect their
mentary hand lotion for your guests. hands after serving.
If the weather allows it, leave doors open at If possible, organize staff in such a way that
the entrance. This way guests and staff won’t one and the same service member is in charge
have to touch (and consequently disinfect) of clearing the tables.
doorknobs. Have a staff member welcome guests at the
Wherever possible mark the 2 m distancing door. This staff member should be the only
with tape or paint on floors or set up signaling one to open and close the door.
signs. Avoid body contact between staff members,
Keep groups of guests at a minimum: max. as well as between service and guests. Do not
2 to 4 people per group. Check your local re- shake guest’s hands, even with loyal custo-
gulations, some countries will allow groups of mers.
max. 4 - 6 people. No longer expect service to take guest’s
coats. Instead, show guests where to hang
ORGANIZING SERVICE their coats on a reserved, and cleaned, hanger
Creating a safe dining experience for your themselves.
guests starts or course with the service. Create Have staff members note down the contact
a new set of rules and boundaries to live by for information of at least one guest per group.