P. 411
Debic is a brand dedicated to professionals in the HoReCa segment with the goal of
simplifying the quality of stored products with their simplicity and minimum preparation
time. It is a part of FrieslandCampina, one of the world‘s largest companies in the develop-
ment, production and sale of dairy products. 100 years ago Jean Debije started collecting
milk. With a tradition dating way back this Dutch giant distributes dairy products to more
than a hundred countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, with offices in 34 countries. Debic
provides its customers - chefs and pastry-chefs, with a wide range of consulting services,
recipes, as well as business and hygiene consultations. A number of newly emerging wine
visitor centers and wine tourism premises are connected to the restaurant and an increa-
singly number of them also provide accommodation services. And that‘s where the cu-
rrent Debic advice is very useful.
Restaurants, bars, hotels and catering com- (virtually) to professionals at home and ab-
panies too were forced to close their doors road to find out how they are coping in times
to comply with governments rules and avoid of corona.
groups of people meeting. An extremely diffi- With the corona epidemic hitting just before
cult situation for an industry already dealing high season the hospitality industry is won-
with often challenging working conditions. dering what will happen. When will they be
Yet, those working in the sector are often en- allowed to reopen? Will things ever go back
trepreneurs at heart: resilient, brave and crea- to the way they were? No one knows, but it is
tive when times get tough. Debic reached out clear that none of the people we contacted are