P. 413


        and to maintain social distancing. These will
        apply not only in the kitchen, but also in the
        eating area of your business. We have gathe-
        red tips and share our advice on dealing with
        kitchen staff, setting up your eating area, or-
        ganizing service and ultimately creating a safe
        customer experience.

          It is important to ensure the 1,5m distan-
        cing, even between kitchen staff members.
        This will require changes in the way your team
        is organized:                            SETTING UP YOUR EATING AREA
          Work with multiple smaller workstations, if   Your kitchen will not be the only area in the
        possible for example with a small(er) combis-  restaurant that will require some changes.
        teamer per station instead of one oven for the  Take into consideration the following tips &
        entire kitchen.                          guidelines to create a safe eating area for your
          Staff members work with their own tools  service and guests:
        (knives, kitchen towels, etc.) and disinfect   In the start-up phase, limit the maximum ca-
        them regularly after use.                pacity to 30-50% of your normal capacity. Set
          Set up a one dish-one chef rule. Chances are  up tables in a way that a 1,5m distance can be
        staff members will not be able to maintain di-  ensured between groups, even when guests
        stancing when working together on one dish.  have to make their way to the bathroom.
          Only allow the necessary people to enter the   Use paper table cloths, napkins and place-
        kitchen area. Communicate this very clearly  mats. If this does not suit the atmosphere of
        with other staff members or, for example, ex-  your restaurant, cotton cloths, napkins and
        ternal visitors.                         placemats should be replaced after every
          Of course, HACCP-rules apply in your kitchen  service and washed at a minimum of 60°C.
        at all times. Now more than ever it is important   Keep in mind that everything that has been
        to follow these rules strictly. Pay extra attenti-  touched by guests during their dinner should
        on to these guidelines to ensure hygiene:  be replaced or disinfected after their visit.
          Ensure a proper working ventilation system,  This includes salt and pepper shakers, sauce
        and air out your kitchen on a regular basis.  bottles, bread baskets, etc. A good alterna-
          Make sure disinfectant is available at all ti-  tive would be to look into separately packed
        mes.  This includes alcohol-based handgels  portions which can be thrown away after eve-
        and antibacterial soaps.                 ry service. Think of creative ways to prepare
          Washing hands very often is still one of the  these yourselves for that extra touch.
        most effective ways to prevent a virus from   Menu cards should be disinfected after eve-
        spreading.                               ry use. An alternative could be to put the menu
          Encourage staff members to wear face  on a screen or chalkboard in your restaurant.

        masks or face visors.                    Make sure the menu on your website is up to
          As per usual, staff members should wear a  date and refer guests to the online version of
        clean chef’s vest and hat or hairnet at all times.  your menu when making their reservation.
          Take on the habit of changing towels and  Chances are this will also limit the time your
        kitchen attire more frequently and cleaning  guests will take to place their orders.
        the kitchen more often.                    Glasses and tableware should be washed at
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