P. 412


        throwing in the towel. They all looked for crea-  ahead are very uncertain so caution is needed.
        tive alternatives to get their food and drinks to  This is not the time to start investing in things
        their customers and to still generate income.  that might turn out to be unnecessary. The sa-
        And with conditions in kitchens changing –  fest approach is to wait for government guide-
        think extra hygiene measure, new shifts and  lines. The most important bit of advice? Stay
        distancing – everyone has had to be inventive  in touch with your clients. They are your core
        with time, budget and available space.   business and will most certainly return to your
          As soon as the corona crisis hit, many restau-  business, as long as you keep offering the qua-
        rants and catering business saw turnover drop  lity and service they are used to. Sportschule
        rapidly. Gasthaus Kreuz (GER), for instance,  Hennef advises to not only spoil customers,
        lost 60% capacity due to social distancing. This  but staff too. Just like you, they are holding
        meant kitchens and staffing had to be quickly  strong during these difficult times. Heiligen-
        reorganised to suit takeaway and home deli-  stadter Hof (GER) sums it up beautifully: “View
        very. It became essential to downsize, both  this crisis as an opportunity. A chance to re-
        the menu and the teams. Casa KBirr (IT) has  invent yourself and come up with innovative
        adapted the amount of dishes they make and  concepts that will also do well once the dust
        has changed team shifts so that everyone can  settles.”
        still keep their job. Setting up a safe takeaway   This NEW NORMAL comes with many
        system has been challenging too. Cantine Co-  restraints that will have consequences for your
        pine (BE) has been offering one takeaway day  staff as well as your customers. Local regulati-
        a week, others have mainly been focusing on  ons might vary between countries. However,
        Fridays and Saturdays.                   two of the most well-known measures to take
          Everyone we contacted agrees: the times  into account are to ensure hygiene at all times,
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