P. 429


            The question remains, what can be done for  and taste them in front of your caravan over-
        these potential customers?               looking Pálava, the windmill above the river of
          First of all, to offer infrastructure at least in  Rhône, Loreley on the east bank of the river of
        the basic concept, such as simply allowing par-  Rhine, or the „medieval“  Tuscan castle Castello
        king and sleeping, for example by the viney-  di Amorosa in the Napa Valley.
        ard. The connection of water and electricity   For you, it is a welcome extension of servi-
        already smells of luxury. The cost of traditional  ces in addition to the now closed operation of
        complete infrastructure, such as in campsites,  pensions. It is not a replacement, but an exten-
        is higher, but it will prove to be well spent in  sion of services that will bring in new custo-
        the long run.                            mers. No one has banned caravaning yet, and
          However, the infrastructure itself will not  if so, only for a short time.
        help if it is not properly communicated. You   The trend of  „domestic“ holidays has an
        are in tourist catalogs, perhaps even in local  ever-increasing tendency, and the current re-
        tourist maps, you have your advertisement by  strictions and uncertainty in the area of trips
        the roadside, and now you are getting another  abroad are accelerating this trend. Therefore,
        communication channel: Websites and guides  „he who is ready is not surprised.“ ƅ
        of the caravan park community, who will wel-
        come the comfort of the offered services and
        share the information - word of mouth. What‘s
        better than going from tasting in the cellar
        straight to your own bed! And when it comes
        to the worst and joint tasting are forbidden,
        you can still buy bottles from the winemaker

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