P. 45
Cristina Pandolfi
Agricultural Engineer, Founding Member
of the Argentine Academy of Vine and Wine.
Member of the Association of Women of Wine
of Argentina. Researcher and educator.
Daniel Lopez Roca
He holds Master degree in Social Psychology,
but his interests laid elsewhere. Wine and
gastronomy was always Daniel’s great
passion, he became chef, writer and lecturer.
Daniel left his career in Social Psychology Argentina, so it was difficult to pick the grapes
and at the age of thirty, he started as a Chef with very few workers. The wine growers had
and worked in that profession for nearly to gather groups of workers and they had to
twenty years, while expanding his education stay living together at the wineries, with the
in wine in specialised courses in viticulture idea of a sanitary bubble protocol.
and oenology. In 2004 he created the Vino- This way of harvesting the grapes was later
Sub30 wine competition, calling on young called in other regions the „Argentine way“.
groups of tasters in Argentina, Spain, Uru- Wineries found a big opportunity of selling
guay, Chile, and Brazil below 30, which tastes more bulk wine in the external market and
more than 1000 wines each year. bottled wine in both external and domestic
Today he gives lectures in Argentina, El Sal- markets. Wine consumption in Argentina grew
vador, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and 6.5% up to 21 litres. The export business has
Panamá and reports about Argentinian wi- also benefited with the crisis as sales went up
nes for different titles incuding Meininger‘s 26,7% (2020/2019). Bulk wine exports grew
Wine Business International magazine ... and 60,1% and bottled 5,6%
for NEW NORMAL and just now for you. I do not expect big changes in the wine com-
In Argentina, grape harvest starts in Febru- pany market as it is now in an incredibly posi-
ary having its peak in March. In the same pe- tive moment. We had some important chan-
riod of 2020, the corona crisis started hitting ges in the former political period 2015/2019
because of an economic crisis that
left high inflation and exceptiona-
lly low sales.
Cristina Pandolfi is a highly
respected lady in academic and
science society, is active in inter-
national forums and is valued as
an international taster in some of
the most prestigious competiti-
Regarding the pandemic and
work in the wineries, I can say
that in Argentina the 2020 harvest