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the internet, where people will meet wines z Stick together. Your neighbor is not a
and also other people - a blonde lover of competitor. When you work shoulder to shoul-
cabernets is looking for a handsome con- der with your neighbor and then the whole
noisseur of sparkling wines who will show valley does that, it will be easier on all of you.
mew the beauty of Champagne… Talk to each other, associate to reach positive
z or example, invent an auction hall for goals, help one another. Today, more than
medal-winning wines. Create a market whe- ever, wine needs unity and understanding.
re those who have extra stocks of bulk wine Your wines can compete on the department
in cellars will offer it to those who need to in- store shelf but you stay friends.
crease production.
z Be interesting by what and how you do. This book was created entirely voluntarily
Get inspired but don‘t copy. Be the ones who over a quarter of a year on five continents,
carry the light. without any of the team members having
z Keep in mind that advertising may sell never met each other or shaking hands with
even bad wine but the best marketing will not any of the contributors. This time has sepa-
give you a respectable reputation. Only what rated us with lockdown and quarantine but
you do - the best wine you can make can do it connects us over the Internet. It was a new
this for you. experience for us too.
z ake an interest in how to be better. Be From the very beginning, we have decided
conspicuous and imaginative, do everything to give the book to everyone for free, so that
to make your wines attractive from the first everyone can learn without restriction from
glance.... making sure that the content corre- those who went higher and see farther. Feel
sponds to what the bottle promises. free and calm… Distribute this publication
z Respect your customers and clients. for free without any restrictions - all you have
Pamper them and even spoil them if necessa- to do is respect copyrights and not publish
ry. Even your cat will never get tired of being the texts as your own. We have worked with
scratched and caressed. hundreds and thousands of sources. If we
z Don‘t be afraid of the Internet. You have have quoted insufficiently in some articles,
controlled fermentation, you monitor the tem- I apologize for every author. We didn’t want
peratures in the vats on your smartphone and to infringe nobody’s copyrights. It didn‘t
you drive a car with an automatic transmissi- make us rich but we wanted to help the wine
on, which unlocks itself when you approach it. nation.
Such is the time when all is digital nowadays.
Say what you want - Tom T. Hall said for all of On behalf of the entire work team and all
us: „It‘s faster horses, younger women, older authors, I wish you good luck, good health,
whiskey and more money…!“ faster horses… ƅ ƅ ƅ
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