P. 460




          If you have read this far and survived our   Instead of a talkative conclusion, let me
        graphomaniac deviation, we would like to  summarize what we wanted to say with the
        thank you. After you, I would like to thank  book:
        once again the co-workers, especially tho-  z Don‘t lie back waiting. Be active.  Think
        se who lasted until the finish line and also  about where to move next. History is written
        to sponsors and advertisers, without whom  by the winners - and only the one who fights
        we would be deep in the red and thanks to  wins.
        whom we will break even. And also thank    z Don‘t be afraid to do new things. Some
        God for giving us health until the finals.  may think you‘re crazy but that‘s not a bad
          We believe that our work, together with  rating. It‘s just a description of a person who
        the opinions, experience, advice and visi-  isn‘t afraid to do things differently. I know it. It
        ons of 107 (!) personalities who contributed  is not someone in his thirties or forties talking
        to the book with their “lyrics”, not only gave  to you here. I will be 64 and I am happy to still
        you energy but also showed you the ways   be able to see the world with young eyes. Eve-
        of these times and what is good to know in  ryone around knows I‘m crazy…
        wine production and trade. A lot has chan-  z What seems crazy today may be a gold
        ged since we left the school gates and went  mine tomorrow. Don‘t be afraid of ideas! No-
        out into the world of wine. And I think to my-  thing worse can happen than they won‘t work
        self - what a wonderful world!           out. Create a dating site for wine-lovers on
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