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blished to grow and succeed as this becomes profits and increase sales.
a more normal part of the small winery expe- For Patrons - Generally, food and wine pai-
rience. rings will improve the experience of the re-
Ron Yates, winemaker on Road 290, Te- staurant customer. They will feel more conne-
xasI assume that there will be a time when cus- cted to the restaurant, and ultimately feel as if
tomers enjoy going back to restaurants, bars the atmosphere is enhanced because they can
etc. Online wine tastings are very trendy cur- trust the selection they have made. It gives
rently but I am not sure that this will remain. them an opportunity to be adventurous, wit-
The social get together is definitely missing! hout being worried that they have made the
Prof. Monika Christmann, Geisenheim Uni wrong choices.
Food and wine pairings can be incorpora-
Food and wine pairings allow chefs and som- ted into a menu in a variety of ways. Restau-
meliers to pair individual dishes with different rant owners may consider creating a food and
wines in hopes of enhancing the flavor of both wine pairing event, in which patrons sit down
the food and the beverage. It is more of a sub- for a several-course meal. Each course would
jective process than an exact science, leaving include an expertly crafted food and wine
plenty of creative space to use to impress cus- pairing aimed at improving atmosphere and
tomers. pleasing the palate. Another option would be
What are the benefits of food and wine pai- to list each appetizer, entree and dessert on
rings? For Proprietors - It just makes good bu- the menu with one or two selections for a de-
siness sense to include food and wine pairings. licious wine that pairs well with it. This allows
According to Nightclub Bar, pairing alcoholic customers to make a choice that fits their own
beverages with food menu items makes your unique tastes and desires.
restaurant not only seem more cosmopolitan Gildas L‘Hostis, EHL‘s Senior Lecturer - Oeno-
and interesting, but it also will help drive up logy ƅ