P. 451
Tinashe Nyamudoka
Zimbabwean sommelier reimagining South Africa’s Wine
Industry. Founder and director at Kumusha wines. Wine
personality of the year. Co-founder and director at Somm On
Call. Prior to this he worked as sommelier at The Test Kitchen
restaurant Cape Town, The Oyster Box Hotel and One and Only
Hotel Cape Town. He’s an independent international wine judge.
Wine Specialist/Sommelier CWA, WSET, UCT GSB, CMS.
The alcohol bans have had a devastating line platform called “Somm On Call”. Our aim
effect on the wine industry and the knock-on is to bring the restaurant experience we offe-
effect felt in the restaurant industry. A lot of red in the restaurant straight to your phone
restaurants have closed down and the ones and home. So far, it’s proving successful. So-
remaining are not operating at full capacity mmeliers can offer online tastings with small
due to restriction of people and the curfew. sample bottles. Some restaurants are offering
Average spending has also decreased and curated meals at home and sommeliers sen-
there’s no influx of tourists. The South African ding through the suggested wines. As long
wine industry must explore other outlets of as restaurants remain closed, I don’t think the
selling their wine such as direct to consumers profession will survive in its old format. I have
via online. They could also take advantage since left the restaurant to focus on my growing
of a lot of existing wine clubs in the country wine brand “Kumusha Wines”. I see this as ano-
to partner and move the wines. As it stands, ther avenue for sommelier to put their skills and
industry insiders predict that it will take 3-4 knowledge to recommend and sell wines. ƅ
years for the situation to normalize.
I think the sommelier job is in a precarious
position. It was so dependent on people co-
ming to dine in restaurants. I strongly feel som-
melier still play an important role in advice
to people who regularly eat in restaurants
but now dining at home. During the intense
lockdown together with a sommelier friend
of mine we launched in October 2020 an on-