P. 449


        WhatsApp or chat on the web - as you like. We  in Prague still that very evening. We all speak
        are available every working day between 9 am  English but we can also help you in French,
        and 5 pm.                                Italian and German languages as well.
          We will advise you on the choice as if you   The last sentence is crucial. The expat com-
        were in a restaurant. We will offer you wines  munity numbers tens of thousands in Prague
        from CZK 200 per bottle, domestic and foreign,  alone and hundreds of thousands in the coun-
        the entire extensive selection of Vinograf.  try. Not everyone has mastered the Czech lan-
          Wine for the evening?                  guage. We are also happy to represent small
          Our wine assistants will advise you and offer  family wineries that cannot answer them.
        wine and suitable delicacies from our menu,   It is better to entrust it to those who know
        which go well with the wines selected. We will  how to speak eruditely about wine in several
        deliver selected wine and possibly food to you  languages! ƅ

                 MOLDOVAN HOPE

                                 Mihail Druţá
                                 President of the Association of Sommeliers of the Republic
                                 of Moldova. Studied Technical University of Moldova,
                                 Technology of wine production.
                                 „I think the choice of my profession has been guided by the
                                 occupation of my parents, who are also in the wine industry.
                                 My father is a winemaker, and he received his knowledge from
                                 his father. The culture of wine is in our blood”.

          The future of sommeliers is not as bright   Gastronomy is also heavily influenced by the
        as in previous years; there is a decline in this  global Covid-19 situation, a lot of restaurants
        direction, a sommelier is a person who works  are empty, and people have other priorities in
        in restaurants and is close to the customers.  their life, there are a lot less tourists which is
        In this period when everything is closed, and  creating a  negative cash flow in restaurants.
        locked down, a lot of people remain without  This leaves no need for a sommelier.
        any work, and many are leaving to look for   Many people are afraid to be infected, that’s
        another profession to earn money. Profes-  why social life, public events and big social
        sional development of the sommelier is also  events are limited, including wine tastings
        a  quite complicated question. The Associati-  which is also a form of socializing.
        on of Sommeliers of the Republic of Moldova   We tried to see if a  virtual online tasting
        was established in 2011 and includes about 40  would be the solution. Maybe it works well in
        professional sommeliers at this point. We are  some areas, but for me wine tasting is the way
        a non-profit organization and we do not have  to meet interesting people with the same in-
        many options to help support our members.  terests, you can feel and see instant live emo-
        We do not run our own restaurant, and even if  tions. Unfortunately online tastings could not
        it did, it would be closed.              provide the same thing. I  was disappointed
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