P. 444
Jacques Orhon
A man whose passion for wine has led him to become a renowned
expert in Québec, where he’s based since 1976, but also in many
countries around the world. Master sommelier and professor
of sommellerie for 30 years, co-founder and past président of
the Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers. He is
a graduate from The Suze La Rousse University (in France), and
from the Université du Québec à Montréal. Chevalier of the Order
of Agricultural Merit, member of many wine brotherhoods and
globe-trotter, author of many books. His book Le Vin Snob won
the 2016 OIV Prize in Literature. In October 2020, Jacques ORHON
launched Les Fruits de l‘Exil, his first novel.
It is undeniable that the economic crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pande-
mic will have claimed many victims in the hotel and restaurant industry. And
we have to do everything we can, as professionals, to try to help those who
are in difficulty, and to see solutions for the future. But we should perhaps
take this opportunity to engage in some introspection, and reflect on the
true place of the sommelier in the 21st century.
By setting up training plans in the early A PROFESSION, YES, BUT…
1980s, by creating professional associations However, we must accept the fact that the
which have been involved at regional, national profession is evolving, which is normal and
and international levels, including the organi- very healthy. There has been an increase in
zation of competitions, we raised awareness the number of field trips for study and deve-
of the sommelier’s job, while giving men and lopment, and that is good. Relationships be-
women the desire and opportunity to embark tween sommeliers, estate owners, oenologists
on this exciting profession. and other wine and vine specialists have never
It must be recognized, however, that the been so prolific, and we must rejoice.
word sommelier has become so fashiona- But this is no reason to move away from
ble, that it has been overused, recuperated the essence of the profession: advising and
here and there, used in all kinds of sauces, serving clients, whoever they may be, with the
and that the gap has widened between the help of one’s knowledge. To allow the somme-
meaning it has today and the one to which lier to intervene in a field of expertise that
it is entitled. does not belong to him, such as, for example,
Even worse, while many professionals viticultural geology, ampelography or biology,
do their work brilliantly, there are some who and of which he does not have the scientific
give themselves the title, even if they have ne- expertise, seems to me to be an illusion. It
ver served a glass of wine, in a restaurant or at is true that we live in a time when everyone
any event. One can smell a form of opportu- wants to give their opinion and make everyo-
nism there. ne believe that they hold a certain truth. The