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        and all fixed costs.  The seriousness and the
        objective of offering the best value for money
        with a fair and honest coefficient is beneficial
        to a consumption of conviviality. In your ques-
        tion, I assume you are talking about organic,
        biodynamic, high-value and natural wines. For
        more than 20 years, winemakers and produ-
        cers have been working in a much more se-
        rious way, with wines that are more soil-frien-
        dly, reducing inputs in vineyards and wine as
        much as possible. Wines by the glass are very   The Association de la Sommellerie Internationa-
        trendy today. Optimal conditions are needed   le  awarded Mr. Serge Dubs as the recipient of
        to present them to the consumer: these wines   the ever first annual ASI Gérard Basset Lifetime
        must be well protected from oxidation and   Achievement Award. Nina Basset, wife of Gérard
        that there is a turn-over for these wines served   Basset, says of Mr. Dubs: “He is one of the most
        under recommended conditions, at the right   highly respected sommeliers within the ASI, world-
        temperature. One imperative thing is that the   -wide community. He was a friend and mentor to
        customer has seen the wine label that is pre-  Gérard, a  fellow competitor and ASI colleague.
        sented.                                  A man who Gérard admired greatly. He gives gui-
                                                 dance and advice freely. He is open, warm and loy-
          Will, the position of the sommelier sur-  al and above all, an all-time great ambassador for
        vive or change in any way? Will sommeliers   sommellerie and exponent of all that great service
        serve the guests, or sommelier´s informati-  should offer. He is a champion amongst champions
        on will be available on the tablet screen on   and it is with enormous pleasure and great delight
        the table for safety reasons?            that Serge Dubs be crowned the 2021 ASI Gérard
          The job of sommelier has always evolved,   Basset Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Bravo
        it changes, it adapts. Especially in France, the   Serge! Gérard would be so proud to know you are
        world of gastronomy is quite an art of living.   this year’s most worthy winner.”
        So as soon as COVID stops, the CHR / HoReCa      Of the final selection ASI Ambassador Michèle
        and the wine industry will get off to a flying   Chantôme says: “ASI found its hero! Serge Dubs
        start, as consumers will want to meet in re-  was bestowed this very first Lifetime Achievement
        staurants. Sommeliers‘ associations around   Award created in Gérard Basset’s memory. We are
        the world are already preparing for this exit   tremendously honored to have such a wonderful
        from the crisis. Of course for trade but also for   and renowned representative of the sommellerie.
        the training of sommeliers, national and in-  Beyond his many talents, titles and professional
        ternational competitions, under the high pa-  distinctions, including at the regional (Alsace), na-
        tronage of the Association de la Sommellerie   tional (he was president of UDSF for six years) and
        Internationale, mobilize so that the events, the   international levels (he is a permanent member of
        tastings can take place with the same effici-  the ASI Sommeliers Contests Commission), Serge
        ency and the same passion. I have complete   exudes a generosity and dedication that truly em-
        confidence in the future of the sommelier, and   bodies the spirit of this award. Each of the finalists
        of our sommeliers. And I have no doubt !!!!   showed such a tremendous wealth of merits that
        The i-pad type tablettes on the tables in the re-  the selection was very difficult indeed. We will very
        staurant, gives a young and dynamic image. It   likely see their names emerge again for the next
        is information. Customers are amused at first,   annual ASI Gérard Basset Lifetime Achievement
        this can be positive in some establishments,   Award.”
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