P. 439


                                                 The tastings are running online, the people
                                                 are afraid to meet each other in person. Du-
                                                 ring that time, people noticed that it is pos-
                                                 sible to buy wine in the store 3 times che-
                                                 aper and that they would open and enjoy
                                                 a bottle at home without the risk of having
                                                 to drive a  car. Restaurants are starting to
                                                 serve hygienic, factory-made one-portion-
                                                 -packed wines.
                                                    To be honest, the suggestion of 3 times che-
                                                 aper is a bit misleading. Perhaps sometimes if
                                                 comparing a retail price to a wine list price. Ho-
                                                 wever, the equation of value is not that simple.
                                                 Sommeliers put a lot of effort in delivering va-
                                                 lue on their wine lists, whether that is finding
                                                 superlative wines that simply aren’t available
                                                 on a grocery store or wine shop or creating ex-
        variety it is made of. This is exciting for us as  periences that support the value proposition.
        sommeliers because it means our knowledge  Don’t forget restaurants invest a lot of money
        of winemaking and our relationships with the  in things like stemware, temperature-control-
        people that made them and the specific pla-  led wine fridges, and other tools that enhan-
        ces they are from is of increasingly great im-  ce the wine experience. All of these elements
        portance to our guests.                  plus the intangibles such as the atmosphere of
                                                 the restaurant, the food of the restaurant and
          Will the demand of „social distance“ bring  conviviality of the service staff including the
        new technologies, eliminating contact be-  sommelier are all part of the value propositi-
        tween guests and waiters/serving people?  on of the experience of going to a restaurant
          The sommelier profession like all profe-  and being served wine by a  sommelier. Of
        ssions is adapting to COVID. Certainly, as a pro-  course, we recognize a lot of people are eating
        fession we, like all our hospitality colleagues,  and drinking more at home. During this time,

        are ensuring how we serve is in keeping with  we as an industry have changed, and we will
        the protocols and laws of the places where we  continue to adapt to the new reality. As our
        work. There have certainly been new techno-  restaurant industry evolves so does the wine
        logies adapted such as digital wine lists and  purchasing landscape, and so will sommeliers.
        less of the functionary service of wine is done  You will likely see more and more sommeliers
        at the table as compared to pre-COVID. That  working in retail environments providing their
        said, the role of the sommelier is more than  knowledge of beverage and food in this spa-
        just a technical role. The personal relationship  ce. We will also see, the move of sommeliers to
        the sommelier has with a restaurant guest is  the digital space. We see it already with some
        vital to their experience. This part of our role  our top sommeliers such as Raimonds Tom-
        will never change. The ability of our somme-  sons launching  Winteach and ASI partners
        liers to guide customers on their personal  such as Wineally developing apps to bring the
        wine journey is timeless.                sommelier experience to the digital sphere,
                                                 as a couple examples. I truly believe in Darwi-
          How do you consider and expect the futu-  nism. The sommeliers of the world will adapt
        re of sommeliers in gastronomy worldwide?  to the new reality and continue to thrive.  ƅ

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