P. 440
Serge Dubs
Since October 1976 until today Maitre Sommelier to Auberge
de l‘Ill Restaurant 3 star in the Michelin red guide for almost
50 years. 1983 Meilleur Sommelier de France UDSF, 1988
Best Sommelier of Europe ASI and finally 1989 World Best
Sommelier ASI. Président de l’Union de la Sommellerie
Française 2004 - 2011 , then lifelong Honorary President.
1989 Chevalier dans l‘Ordre du Mérite Agricole
1995 Chevalier dans l‘Ordre National du Mérite
2006 Officier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite
2014 Chevalier dans l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur
Restaurants are all closed in France at the will free the genius locked in a bottle, as in the
moment. For me, the COVID crisis and the lamp of Aladdin.
pandemic confirm that human beings know
how to adapt. Everyone finds solutions that How do you consider and expect the futu-
are bearable, innovative, surprising and inge- re of sommeliers in gastronomy worldwide?
nious. It‘s a human reflex. The tastings are running online, the people
are afraid to meet each other in person.
Will the demand of „social distance“ bring The future will become beautiful again, the
new technologies, eliminating contact be- mission of sommeliers is to make people hap-
tween guests and waiters or sommeliers? py. It is a wonderful mission and a beautiful
Distancing is the natural instinct of the hu- way of life.
man being when there is a danger. You have Online tastings are interesting. It is simply
to trust and believe in the future. As soon as a new communication technique. But the
this situation ends, the future will be different, emotion is not there. Online tastings are not
there will be fewer embraces, we will have to done because people are afraid to meet, but
be vigilant, but the human base will always because they want to meet. They want to see
be necessary. We need contacts, we need to each other.
see each other, too. We will refocus on a more
respectful way of life. The key words will be During that time, people noticed that
sharing, meeting, spontaneity, and bringing it is possible to buy wine in the store che-
happiness to people. This is where the job of aper and that they would open and enjoy
sommelier, which is the only profession in the a bottle at home without the risk of having
world of wine to have the responsibility to to drive a car. Restaurants are starting to
serve and value wines, takes on all its legiti- serve hygienic, factory-made one-portion-
macy and meaning: people want to be spoiled -packed wines.
and pampered. The sommeliers offer them This issue was already topical before CO-
a moment of happiness, thanks to the servi- VID, customers know that they will pay more
ce and enhancement of wines and spirits, by for wine in the restaurant, for various reasons
sharing them, thanks to their precise and fair quite justified. The catering professional takes
comments for the food and wine pairings that into account the service, the staff, the advice,