P. 446



                                 Jakub Přibyl
                                 A co-owner of the Wine & Degu wine bar. Semifinalist of
                                 the European Championship of Sommeliers 2017, holder of
                                 the prestigious title Court of Masters Sommelier: Advanced
                                 Sommelier, 4x best sommelier in the Czech Republic
                                 (2011-2014), contributor to professional wine magazines,
                                 international wine judge.
        WINE & DEGU
                                                 possibility to personally  „explain“ to clients
          I think a lot of people are turning to predic-  that the product is really a top product, even if
        tions right now as something to show them  they do not immediately perceive it.
        the way.                                   It is true that the best deal is done by the
          I am not a big supporter of this thinking but  person themselves but sales cooperation
        I  understand that constant uncertainty also  could be the key here. Many small winemakers
        does not do any good. I would like to say that  do  not have e-shops and the price of trans-
        I think it would be difficult to find a parallel to  port almost reaches the price of the wine.
        the wine trade in any other, albeit related, busi-  Once every two weeks, the winemaker goes to
        ness. Wine combines a long history, social life,  the capital in his van and that is not enough.
        art, investment trade and gastronomy much  The client must have easy access to the or-
        more than any other drink and this complexi-  der. Creating a broader platform for winegro-
        ty will definitely remain in wine in the future.  wers to work together, whether on the basis
        Therefore, in my opinion, the development of  of geographical origin, a wine association or
        the wine trade will go its own way.      a business trust with a strong distributor, even
          I see the way for any winemaker in the way  from among importers, will be a great advan-
        of quality, much more than ever. I don‘t mean  tage. I see the strengthening of logistics and
        high prices; I mean really focusing on the top  the reduction of waiting times as being of key
        product.                                 importance. These are weapons that wine im-
          There may not be that much money in cir-  porters have long had.
        culation for some time and the purchasing po-  I think that almost everything we are expe-
        wer will decrease but all the more people will  riencing now is only temporary. Viral pande-
        be looking for the perfect experience that only  mics have appeared and disappeared several
        top-quality wine can convey. Maybe it will be  times in history and I expect it to be the same
        only once a week, maybe once a month but  case now. People will then gradually return to
        clients will now even more strictly refuse a se-  „standard“ social life. Only things that proved
        cond meeting with wine, which disappointed  to be working well will remain. Simplified or-
        them.                                    ders, a wide selection, the comfort of home. It
          Objectively the high quality of wine is also  will not be a complete return to what we were
        important because the world of wine has mo-  used to but the NEW NORMAL will be very clo-
        ved to the digital environment and there is no  se to it.  ƅ

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